SCI/EI期刊投稿Reply Letter常用格式总结
       整个论文投稿的过程中,会遇到各种问题,需要我们向主编询问或是回复。下面主要总结了responses to the comments,以及催稿信的模板。
1、回复信(Response Letter)


Dear Editor,

We quite appreciate your favorite consideration and the reviewers’insightful comments concerning our manuscript entitled “XXXXXX” (ID:paper id). Those comments are very valuable and helpful for improving the quality and readability of our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our future researches. We have studied the comments carefully and have revised the paper exactly according to the reviewers’ comments. We hope this revision can meet with approval. The revised portions are marked in red in the paper and the main revisions corresponding to the reviewers’ comments are as follows:


I. 在称谓处,如果知道编辑的姓名,则用编辑的姓名,不要在知道编辑姓的情况下,还用editor这个统称。

II. 将文章名和paper ID标注清楚。

III. 可在原文中将修改的部分明显标注出来。

IV. 根据审稿人的意见逐个进行回答。




I. Thanks for your comments.The comments provide an important direction for us to revise our paper, the revised parts according to the comments as follows:

II. Thank you for your detailed comments. They point the deficiencies of our paper and the careless of us;moreover, it is significant to our future research. The revised parts that correspond to the comments are listed as follows:


I.   It is really true as the reviewer commented that…

II.  Thanks for your comment. It is the important deficiencies in this paper, wherefore …

III.  Hope it can achieve your request. Special thanks to you for your good comments.

IV.  Hope it can meet your request. Once again, special thanks to you for your good comments.

V.  Considering the reviewer’s suggestion, we …

VI. We are very sorry for …. We went through the whole paper and corrected … we could find.

VII. As the reviewer suggested, …

3)  最后,感谢主编和审稿人的工作。

We are very grateful for your and reviewers’ warm work earnestly. In all, we found the reviewers’ comments are quite helpful. They point the deficiencies about our manuscript us, also the aspects that we have not done enough. It plays an important role in guiding for our future research, and helps us for further improvement.

We have tried our best to improve the manuscript and made extensive modification in the original manuscript according to the comments. These changes will not influence the content and framework of the paper. Here did not list all the changes but marked in red in revised manuscript.

Thank you and the review again for your help, and hope that the correction will meet with approval.


2、催稿信(Reminder Letter)


Dear Editor,

We have submitted the manuscript as follows:

Paper id- 文章名

The above mentioned manuscript has been submitted for over X months, but we have not heard of any decision from the conference.

We will be most gratefulif you could let me know the current status of the manuscript.

Thank you very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

XXX (name),

Your title,

Corresponding author.

---------------------------Example  by Tsingke-------------------------------

Re:  Manuscript reference No.: xxxxxxxx

Dear Professor XXXXXXX,

We are extremely appreciated for your kind reconsideration of our manuscript (XXXXXXXX), entitled “XXXXXXXXXXXXXX” in xxx Jounal xxx. We are also grateful to the anonymous reviewers’ useful and constructive comments on our manuscript. We carefully considered every comment and made cautious revision accordingly. In the following pages are our point-by-point responses to each of the comments of the reviewers. If you have any other questions about this paper, we would quite appreciate it if you could let us know them in the earliest possible time. We hope that the revisions in the manuscripts and our accompanying responses will be sufficient to make our manuscript suitable for publication. The following revision has been made based on the referees’ comments.

Responses to the comments of Reviewer #1:

Responses to the comments of Reviewer #2:

Responses to the comments of Reviewer #3:

We are very grateful for your and reviewers’ warm work earnestly. In all, we found the reviewers’ comments are quite helpful. They point the deficiencies about our manuscript us, also the aspects that we have not done enough. It plays an important role in guiding for our future research, and helps us for further improvement. We have tried our best to improve the manuscript and made extensive modification in the original manuscript according to reviewers’ comments. These changes in some degree not influence the content and framework of the paper. We appreciate for reviewer’s useful and constructive comments and hope that the correction will meet with approval.

Thanks and Best Kind Regards,


Authors lists

June 3, 2016.

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