Dev 401-002:Application Essentials:Designing Application on the Platform

Course Objectives
1.Describe the type of application best suited for the platform.
2.Describe the feature of the platform that help you build your data model.
3.Create custom objects, fields, tabs and applications.
4.List the different types of relationships that exist between objects in Salesforce and describe the differences between them.
5.Build a master-detail relationship, a lookup relationship, and a many-to-many relationship.
6.Build basic workflow.
7.Create validation rules.

Course Agenda:
1. Designing Applications on the Platform
2. Building Your Data Model
3. Building Your User Interface
4. Introducing Business Logic

Application Design Questions
1.Who are your stakeholders and business partners?
2.What are the business requirements?
3.Who will use the application?
4.What do you want to be able to report on?
5.How will people learn to use the application?

Other Application Design Considerations
1. Apply a Tiered Mode
- User Interface
- Business Logic
- Data
2. Validate
3. Keep it simple

Types of App suitable for the platform
2.HR;CRM;PTO; Benifit Environment;Expense Mgmt;Help desk;Procurement
3.Time and Billing Project management/Recruiting;Bug Tracking
4.Spreadsheet/Press Release approval

The Declarative Framework
1. Asset of easy-to use tools to customize existing applications or build applications from scratch with clicks not code.
2. Build complete applications(data model, UI and Business logic) with no programming.

Application Building Blocks
1.User Interface
2.Business Logic
2.Data Model

Modules Review
1.What's the three layers of an application.
- UI/Logical business, Process/Data model
2. What are the application building blocks provide by the  platform?
3. What are the types of applications that can be built on the

Data Module/Module Objectives:
1.Create custom objects.
2.create custom fields.
3.create master-detail relationships.
4.Create look-up relationships.
5.Crete many-to many relationships.

Custom objects are the heart of any applications.
-Custom objects provide a structure for storing data.
-Custom objects power the interface elements for users to interact with the data.

Custom Objects
1.Custom objects store information that is unique and important to your organization.
2.Custom objects are reported and searchable.
3.custom objects have configurable access control features.
4.custom objects have properties such as:
-Custom fields
-Page layout
-A custom used interface tab(optional)

Custom Fields 1
1.Custom object fileds store the data for your custom object records.
2.Custom objects automatically include some standard fields.
3.Create custom fields to store additional information.

Custom Fields 2.
1.Picklist are a good data type choice to maintain quality of data.
2.change the data type of existing custom fields is possible, but doing so many data loss.
3.Deleting a custom field removes both the data and the field.
- Custom fields are stored for 45 days after deletion. is possible to add field level help to a custom field to provide information to users on how to use that field.

Dependent Picklists
What is a dependent picklist?
- A dependent field works in conjunction with a controlling field to filter its values. The value chosen in the controlling

field affects the values available in the dependent field.
- Custom pick list fields can be controlling or dependent.
- Standard pick list fields can only be controlling.

Required and Unique Field Options
1.Works on custom field only.
2,Universally Required:
-Always require a value in this field in order to save a record.
-Required across all record types.
-Always display on Edit page.

-Do not allow duplicate values
.Treat "ABC" and "abc" as duplicate values(case insensitive).
.Treat "ABC" and "abc" as different values(case sensitive).

Custom Field and external IDS
1.Custom index on any custom field of type Text, Number or Email.
2.Available on all objects that support custom field.
3.User-defined cross-reference field.
4.Why is ti important?
-In-cress report and API SOQL performance
-Used with upsert to easily integrate apps with other system.
5.An object can have three(3) External ID fields.

Encrypted Fields
1.Encrypted fields allow for masking data from all users except those with the "View Encrypted Data" permission.
-  This is a provisioned feature, so you must contact Salesforce to enable it.
2.Encrypted custom fields cannot be unique, an external ID, or have default values.
3.Encrypted field are editable regardless of whether the user has the "View Encrypted Data" permission.
- Use validation rules, field-level security settings, or page layout setting to prevent users from editing encrypted fields.

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