N-UNCOUNT 木材;原木;树木;林木Timber is wood that is used for building houses and making furniture. You can also refer to trees that are grown for this purpose as timber .

These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.


N-COUNT A stain is a mark on something that is difficult to remove. 污渍


Remove stains by soaking in a mild solution of bleach.


V-T To compensate someone for money or things that they have lost, means to pay them money or give them something to replace those things. 补偿 (损失)


The damages are designed to compensate victims for their direct losses.



  1. Timber(对Log类封装的一个工具)

    Timber(对Log类封装的一个工具) https://blog.csdn.net/hzl9966/article/details/51314137 https://www.jianshu.com/ ...

  2. android studio中timber的配置

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  3. 安卓to鸿蒙系列:Timber

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