Unit 16 Commodities and Manufacturered Goods




Model 1

The pie charts show 2006 production for two countries over the same range of five metal commodities. In general, Austani had a significant percentage of its production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizani had a more balanced output overall, although its biggest percentage of metal production was gold. Austani had over two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. Uranium contributed one further 20 per cent. Gold and silver, however, were relatively insignificant, equalling less than one tenth of the total. In contrast, Kizani had a much more balanced output of metal commodities. Iron ore, silver and uranium each made up 19 per cent. Gold, on the other hand, comprised almost one third of the overall production, which was a much higher percentage than in Austani. In contrast, copper output was much lower than Austani, at 12% as against 30%.


4. Model2范文分析

Model 2

The two pie charts show microchip production figures for two companies in 2006 over the same range of electronic products. In general, Siliconia had a significant proportion of its production in the PC, laptop, and. notebook market, whereas Micronia produced a larger proportion of microchips for small electronic devices. Over half of Siliconia'soutput was in PC microchips, at 55%. Microchips for laptops and notebooks made up another 35% of its output. 0nly one tenth of its total production was designed for PDAs, MP3 players and cell phones. In contrast, Micronia focused on microchips for small electronic devices such as PDAs, cell phones and MP3 players. These three products together comprised a substantial proportion of the total output, at 30%, 25% and 24% respectively. Microchips for notebooks were the next biggest category, at 14 percent. Laptops and PCs were almost the same, at 4% and 3% respectively.

5. Unit16课后练习讲解


Choose words below to complete the table.

comprise major make up

ratio share output

considerable section proportion


Synonym or word of similar meaning












Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets and use words from the table above

to complete the text below:

The pie charts show 2003 ____________ for two countries over the same range of five agricultural (commodity/commodities). Riola had a significant (percentage / percentages) of its production in apples, orange and wool, whereas __________ in Sierra was more balanced, with a special emphasis on wheat and barley. Riola had over two thirds of its (production / productions) in apples and oranges, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. Wool __________ a further 20 per cent. Wheat and barley, however, were relatively insignificant, equalling less than one tenth of total farm (export / exports). In contrast, Sierra had a much more even (output / outputs) of agricultural _________. Apples made up 19 per cent, with orange production at 12 per cent. Wool _________, at 19 per cent, was almost the same as in Riola. Wheat, on the other hand, __________ almost one third of the overall production, with barley ____________19 per cent.


Essential Grammar – Describing segments of a pie chart

When describing the segments of a pie chart, we can refer to proportions, ratios, percentages, fractions and shares of the pie chart.


a significant percentage

over two thirds

a further 20 per cent

less than one tenth

almost the same as

almost one third

about half

a substantial proportion

Match the descriptions to the percentages given in the table (note that two of these descriptions are almost the same).

Descriptions Percentage Preposition

1 a significant percentage…

a. 8%


2 over two thirds…

b. 68%


3 less than one tenth…

c. 51%


4 a substantial proportion

d. 32%


5 almost one third…

e. 85%


6 just over 20 per cent…

f. 20.1%


7 about half…

g. 15% (compared to 16%)


8 almost the same as…



Use the expressions above to write sentences about the data below. Note that the data is not exactly the same as in the table.

Example: Riola wool 87%

Riola had a substantial proportion of its agricultural production in wool, at 87%.

a. Kizani wool 34%

b. Austani apples 9%

c. Riola gold 30.1%

d. Sierra iron ore 43% copper 42%

e. Austani copper 78%

f. Sierra barley 48%

g. Kizani wheat 67%

h. Riola oranges 15% apples 15.5 %


11. Think about meaning, choose the correct option in brackets, and fill in the gaps to complete the sentences.

a. The pie charts show 2006 production for two countries over the (same, different) range of five metal commodities.

b. Austani had a (significant, insignificant) percentage of its production in iron ore, copper and uranium, ___________ Kizani had a more (balanced, unbalanced) output, with approximately equal production of three metals.

c. Austani had (under, over) two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively.

d. Uranium contributed a (lesser, further) 20 per cent, ___________ gold and silver were relativel1 (significant, insignificant), equalling (less, more) than one tenth of the total.

e. ___________, Kizani had a much more (even, uneven) output of metal commodities.

f. Iron ore, silver and uranium made up 19 per cent each, with copper production on 12 per cent; ____________ Austani had 41 per cent in iron ore.

g. Gold, ______________, comprised (most, almost) one third of the value of overall production, with silver contributing 19 per cent.


-Ways of avoiding repetition

In Task 1 of the IELTS writing test, it is easy to repeat the same information many times, but this is in a very bad style. One way to avoid repetition is to use the pronouns it, they, and them. Another way is to miss out repeated words.

Compare Paragraph A and Paragraph B below. In Paragraph B, some words have been removed and others have been replaced with pronouns. Write the pronouns into Paragraph A and {cross out} the words that have been removed.

NOTE that pronouns do NOT have apostrophes in English!

NOTE that you cannot remove ALL repeated nouns or the text will lose its meaning.

A Austani had a significant percentage of Austani's metal production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizani had a more balanced metal production overall than Austani, although Kizani's biggest percentage of metal production was gold. Kizani had 55% of Kizani's production in gold. Austani had over two thirds of Austani's production in iron ore and copper. Austani had 41 per cent of Austani's production in iron ore and Austani had 30 per cent of Austani's production in copper. Uranium contributed a further 20 per cent of Austani's production. Gold production and silver production comprised less than 10% of Austani's production.

B Austani had a significant percentage of its metal production in iron ore, copper and uranium, whereas Kizani had a more balanced production overall, although its biggest percentage was gold, at 55%. Austani had over two thirds of its production in iron ore and copper, at 41 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. Uranium contributed a further 20 per cent. Gold and silver, however, comprised less than 10%.

You try! Remove words or change nouns to pronouns to avoid repetition in this paragraph. You may need to add some extra linking words or prepositions.

Leone had the largest percentage of Leone's agricultural production in wool, whereas Ifric had a significant percentage of Ifric's agricultural production in fruit. Ifric had 34% of Ifric's agricultural production in apples, and Ifric had 28% of Ifric's agricultural production in oranges. Ifric had only a small percentage of Ifric's agricultural production in wool and grain. In contrast, Leone had most of Leone's agricultural production in wool and Leone had most of Leone's agricultural production in wheat and corn. Leone had 33% of Leone's agricultural production in wool, and Leone had 29% of Leone's agricultural production in wheat. Leone had 28% of Leone's agricultural production in corn. Leone had the smallest percentage of Leone's agricultural production in wool. Leone had 10% of Leone's agricultural production in wool. (127 words--aim for 70 words)


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