bestring16 一个两个字节unicode(UCS16)字符串以大端字节序表示
!:strength OP VALUE
string MZ >0x18 leshort <0x40 MS-DOS executable
>0x18 leshort >0x3f extended PC executable (e.g., MS Windows)
# MS Windows executables are also valid MS-DOS executables
string MZ
>0x18 leshort <0x40 MZ executable (MS-DOS)
# skip the whole block below if it is not an extended executable
>0x18 leshort >0x3f
>>(0x3c.l) string PE\\ PE executable (MS-Windows)
>>(0x3c.l) string LX\\ LX executable (OS/)
这种检测的方法有一个缺点,你必须确保你最终打印一些东西,或者用户可以获得空的输出(例如:上面的例子中当既不是PE\0\0 也不是LE\0\0)
# MS Windows executables are also valid MS-DOS executables
string MZ
# sometimes, the value at 0x18 is less that 0x40 but there's still an
# extended executable, simply appended to the file
>0x18 leshort <0x40
>>(.s*) leshort 0x014c COFF executable (MS-DOS, DJGPP)
>>(.s*) leshort !0x014c MZ executable (MS-DOS)
string MZ
>0x18 leshort >0x3f
>>(0x3c.l) string PE\\ PE executable (MS-Windows)
# immediately following the PE signature is the CPU type
>>>& leshort 0x14c for Intel
>>>& leshort 0x184 for DEC Alpha
string MZ
>0x18 leshort <0x40
>>(.s*) leshort !0x014c MZ executable (MS-DOS)
# if it's not COFF, go back 512 bytes and add the offset taken
# from byte /, which is yet another way of finding the start
# of the extended executable
>>>&(.s-) string LE LE executable (MS Windows VxD driver)
string MZ
>0x18 leshort >0x3f
>>(0x3c.l) string LE\\ LE executable (MS-Windows)
# at offset 0x80 (-, since relative offsets start at the end
# of the up-level match) inside the LE header, we find the absolute
# offset to the code area, where we look for a specific signature
>>>(&0x7c.l+0x26) string UPX \b, UPX compressed
string MZ
>0x18 leshort >0x3f
>>(0x3c.l) string LE\\ LE executable (MS-Windows)
# at offset 0x58 inside the LE header, we find the relative offset
# to a data area where we look for a specific signature
>>>&(&0x54.l-) string UNACE \b, ACE self-extracting archive
最后如果你不得不解决偏移/长度 组合在你的文件中,甚至第二个值在
string MZ
>0x18 leshort >0x3f
>>(0x3c.l) string PE\\ PE executable (MS-Windows)
# search for the PE section called ".idata"...
>>>&0xf4 search/0x140 .idata
# ...and go to the end of it, calculated from start+length;
# these are located and bytes after the section name
>>>>(&0xe.l+(-)) string PK\\ \b, ZIP self-extracting archive
# MP3, M1A
# modified by Joerg Jenderek
# GRR the original test are too common for many DOS files
# so don't accept as MP3 until we've tested the rate
beshort&0xFFFE 0xFFFA
# rates
> byte&0xF0 0x10 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, kbps
!:mime audio/mpeg
> byte&0xF0 0x20 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, kbps
!:mime audio/mpeg
> byte&0xF0 0x30 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, kbps
!:mime audio/mpeg> byte&0xF0 0xA0 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, kbps
!:mime audio/mpeg
> byte&0xF0 0xB0 MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, kbps
beshort&0xFE 0xFA
(>2 byte&0xF0 0x10):偏移2个字节的值&0xF0的值是对应0x10、0x20、0x30。。。任意一个都算匹配
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