


 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm> const int maxn = + ;
const int logmaxn = ; int n, Q; int L[maxn];
int fa[maxn];
int anc[maxn][logmaxn]; void add(int u, int pa)
fa[u] = pa;
L[u] = L[pa] + ;
anc[u][] = pa;
for(int j = ; ( << j) < n; j++) if(anc[u][j-])
anc[u][j] = anc[anc[u][j-]][j-];
} int LCA(int p, int q)
if(L[p] < L[q]) std::swap(p, q);
int log;
for(log = ; ( << log) <= L[p]; log++); log--;
for(int i = log; i >= ; i--)
if(L[p] - ( << i) >= L[q]) p = anc[p][i];
if(p == q) return p;
for(int i = log; i >= ; i--)
if(anc[p][i] && anc[p][i] != anc[q][i])
p = anc[p][i], q = anc[q][i];
return fa[p];
} int distance(int u, int v)
int l = LCA(u, v);
return L[u] + L[v] - L[l] * ;
} int main()
scanf("%d", &Q);
n = ;
fa[] = fa[] = fa[] = ;
L[] = L[] = L[] = ;
anc[][] = anc[][] = anc[][] = ; int U = , V = , diameter = ;
int p; scanf("%d", &p);
add(++n, p);
add(++n, p);
int l1 = distance(n, U), l2 = distance(n, V);
if(l1 >= l2 && l1 >= diameter)
V = n;
diameter = l1;
else if(l2 >= l1 && l2 >= diameter)
U = n;
diameter = l2;
printf("%d\n", diameter);
} return ;


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