《opencv学习》 之 特征检测与匹配
看第一篇入门就可以,后面讲的不是很好: http://blog.csdn.net/jwh_bupt/article/details/7621681
harris: http://www.cnblogs.com/ronny/p/4009425.html
Harr: http://blog.csdn.net/zouxy09/article/details/7929570/
Box Filters: http://blog.csdn.net/lanbing510/article/details/28696833
SIFT: http://blog.csdn.net/abcjennifer/article/details/7639681/ http://blog.csdn.net/pi9nc/article/details/23302075
Harr小波特征: 场合不同这个表示也不同,比如在SURF中表示dx、dy,当然也可以表示成其它样子,得看Harr的内核
SURF: 看一下毛星云的那本书,其实网上说的差不多。
ORB: http://www.aiuxian.com/article/p-1728722.html,里面包括FAST特征点、BRIEF描述子
HOG: 这个算法相对比较上面容易理解。
LBP: http://blog.csdn.net/quincuntial/article/details/50541815这个算法可以手写实现,上面基本自己都实现不了(难度很大)
双线性插值: 百度百科有(先有三角函数计算坐标位置,然后用双线性插值计算像素值)
1 int main(int argc, char**argv)
Mat input_image, Middle_image,threshold_image;
input_image = imread("1.jpg");
if (input_image.data == NULL) {
return -; cout << "can't open image.../";
cvtColor(input_image, input_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
Mat output_image;
output_image.create(Size(input_image.rows - , input_image.cols - ), input_image.type());
output_image.setTo(, Mat());
int width = input_image.cols * input_image.channels();
int heigth = input_image.rows;
for (size_t i = ; i < heigth - ; i++)
//uchar *ptr = input_image.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (size_t j = ; j < width - ; j++)
uchar code = ;
uchar center = input_image.at<uchar>(i, j);
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i - , j - ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i - , j ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i - , j + ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i , j - ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i , j + ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i + , j - ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i + , j ) >= center) << ;
code |= (input_image.at<uchar>(i + , j + ) >= center) << ;
output_image.at<uchar>(i - , j - ) = code;
imshow("LineImage", input_image);
imshow("output_image", output_image); waitKey();
return ;
1 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream> using namespace cv;
using namespace std; const int neighbor = ;//圆周上共几个像素
const int radius = ; int main(int argc, char**argv)
Mat input_image, output_image;
input_image = imread("1.jpg"); if (input_image.data == NULL) {
return -; cout << "can't open image.../";
cvtColor(input_image, input_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
//Mat output_image = Mat::zeros(Size(input_image.cols - 2 * 30, input_image.rows - 2 * 30), CV_8UC1);
output_image.create(Size(input_image.cols - * radius, input_image.rows - *radius), CV_8UC1);
int width = input_image.cols;
int height = input_image.rows; for (size_t n = ; n < neighbor; n++)
float x = static_cast<float>(radius) * cos(2.0 * CV_PI*n / static_cast<float>(neighbor));
float y = static_cast<float>(-radius) * sin(2.0 * CV_PI*n / static_cast<float>(neighbor));//这里加不加负号效果一样,因为是点的顺序而已。
int fx = static_cast<int>(floor(x));
int fy = static_cast<int>(floor(y));//上采样
int cx = static_cast<int>(ceil(x));
int cy = static_cast<int>(ceil(y));//下采样 float dx = x - fx;
float dy = y - fy; float w1 = ( - dx)*( - dy);
float w2 = dx*( - dy);
float w3 = ( - dx)*dy;
float w4 = dx*dy; for (size_t i = radius; i < height - radius; i++)
for (size_t j = radius; j < width - radius; j++)
float p1 = input_image.at<uchar>(i + fy, j + fx);
float p2 = input_image.at<uchar>(i + fy, j + cx);
float p3 = input_image.at<uchar>(i + cy, j + fx);
float p4 = input_image.at<uchar>(i + cy, j + cx); float Angle_data = p1*w1 + p2*w2 + p3*w3 + p4*w4;
output_image.at<uchar>(i - radius, j - radius) |= (((input_image.at<uchar>(i, j) >= Angle_data) && (std::abs(Angle_data-input_image.at<uchar>(i,j)) > numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) << n);
} }
} imshow("LineImage", input_image);
imshow("output_image", output_image); waitKey();
return ;
#if 1
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "math.h" using namespace cv::xfeatures2d;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std; void calSIFTFeatureAndCompare(Mat& src1, Mat& src2); int main(int argc, char**argv)
Mat input_image1, input_image2;
input_image1 = imread("hand1.jpg");
input_image2 = imread("hand2.jpg"); if (!input_image1.data && !input_image2.data) {
return -; cout << "can't open image.../";
calSIFTFeatureAndCompare(input_image1, input_image2);
/*imshow("input_image1", input_image1);
imshow("input_image2", input_image2);*/ waitKey();
return ;
//-------------描述子:点形成组织性,有方向和区域等,更能代表整副图像(也就是在特征点上加了更多的约束) --------------//
void calSIFTFeatureAndCompare(Mat& src1,Mat& src2)
Mat grayMat1, grayMat2;
cvtColor(src1, grayMat1, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(src2, grayMat2, CV_BGR2GRAY);
normalize(grayMat1, grayMat1, , , CV_MINMAX);
normalize(grayMat2, grayMat2, , , CV_MINMAX);
SiftFeatureDetector detector; //计算特征点
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor;//计算描述子
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints2;
detector.detect(grayMat1, keypoints1, Mat());
detector.detect(grayMat2, keypoints2, Mat());
Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
extractor.compute(grayMat1, keypoints1, descriptors1);
extractor.compute(grayMat2, keypoints2, descriptors2);*/
//SURF* detector = SURF::create(100);//那道理说是可以的,但是奔溃,不知道原因
Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create();//这个参数hessianThreshold为海深矩阵的阈值T,看SIFT原理就可
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints1;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints2;
Mat descriptors1, descriptors2;
detector->detectAndCompute(grayMat1, Mat(), keypoints1, descriptors1);
detector->detectAndCompute(grayMat2, Mat(), keypoints2, descriptors2);
vector<DMatch> matches;//存储匹配结果的类,和keypoint类似
BFMatcher matcher(NORM_L1); //NORM_L1:代表SIFT,NORM_L2:代表SURF,默认SURF
matcher.match(descriptors1, descriptors2, matches);
Mat resultMatch;
drawMatches(grayMat1, keypoints1, grayMat2, keypoints2, matches, resultMatch);
} #endif
#if 1
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "math.h" using namespace cv::xfeatures2d;
using namespace cv;
using namespace std; int main(int argc, char**argv)
Mat input_image1, input_image2;
input_image1 = imread("2.jpg");
input_image2 = imread("1.jpg"); if (!input_image1.data && !input_image2.data) {
return -; cout << "can't open image.../";
//-------------keypoints and descriptor detection
const int minHessian = ;
Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create(minHessian);
vector<KeyPoint> srcKeyPoint, dstKeyPoint;
Mat srcDescriptor, dstDescriptor;
detector->detectAndCompute(input_image1, Mat(), srcKeyPoint, srcDescriptor);
detector->detectAndCompute(input_image2, Mat(), dstKeyPoint, dstDescriptor);
//------------FLANN algorithm match
FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
vector<DMatch> matches;
matcher.match(srcDescriptor, dstDescriptor, matches);
Mat matchImage;
drawMatches(input_image1, srcKeyPoint, input_image2, dstKeyPoint, matches, matchImage);
//------------calculate best keypoint
double maxDistance = , minDistance = ;
for (size_t i = ; i < matches.size(); i++)
maxDistance = maxDistance < matches[i].distance ? matches[i].distance : maxDistance;
minDistance = minDistance < matches[i].distance ? minDistance : matches[i].distance;
vector<DMatch> bestMatches;
for (size_t i = ; i < matches.size(); i++)
if (matches[i].distance < * minDistance)
Mat bestMatchImage;
drawMatches(input_image1, srcKeyPoint, input_image2, dstKeyPoint, bestMatches, bestMatchImage);
//-----------Find four corner points from bestMatches
vector<Point2f> srcPoint;
vector<Point2f> dstPoint;
for (size_t i = ; i < bestMatches.size(); i++)//save coordinate to srcPoint/dstPoint from bestMatches
Mat H = findHomography(srcPoint, dstPoint,CV_RANSAC);//detection perspective Mapping(H映射)
vector<Point2f> srcCorners();
vector<Point2f> dstCorners();
srcCorners[] = Point(, );
srcCorners[] = Point(input_image1.cols, );
srcCorners[] = Point(, input_image1.rows);
srcCorners[] = Point(input_image1.cols, input_image1.rows);
perspectiveTransform(srcCorners, dstCorners, H);//detection destination Corners
line(input_image2, dstCorners[], dstCorners[], Scalar(, , ), );
line(input_image2, dstCorners[], dstCorners[], Scalar(, , ), );
line(input_image2, dstCorners[], dstCorners[], Scalar(, , ), );
line(input_image2, dstCorners[], dstCorners[], Scalar(, , ), );
return ;
} #endif
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