How to Size Caches









Attributes that set a number of entries take an integer. Attributes that set a memory size (bytes) use the Java -Xmx syntax (for example: "500k", "200m", "2g") or percentage (for example: "20%"). Percentages, however, can be used only in the case where a CacheManager-level pool has been configured (see below).

You can constrain the size of any cache on a specific tier in that cache's configuration. You can also constrain the size of all of a CacheManager's caches in a specific tier by configuring an overall size at the CacheManager level.


If there is no CacheManager-level pool specified for a tier, an individual cache claims the amount of that tier specified in its configuration. If there is a CacheManager-level pool specified for a tier, an individual cache claims that amount from the pool. In this case, caches with no size configuration for that tier receive an equal share of the remainder of the pool (after caches with explicit sizing configuration have claimed their portion).


For example, if CacheManager with eight caches pools one gigabyte of heap, and two caches each explicitly specify 200MB of heap while the remaining caches do not specify a size, the remaining caches will share 600MB of heap equally. Note that caches must use bytes-based attributes to claim a portion of a pool; entries-based attributes such as maxEntriesLocal cannot be used with a pool.

例如,如果一个CacheManager有8个缓存,设置了一个G的堆大小,其中2个缓存定义了200M,其余的缓存没有定义大小,其余的缓存会共享剩余的600M的大小(平均分配),注意 缓存必须配置bytes类型的属性,比如maxEntriesLocal 这种属性不能设置。

On startup, the sizes specified by caches are checked to ensure that any CacheManager-level pools are not over-allocated. If over-allocation occurs for any pool, an InvalidConfigurationException is thrown. Note that percentages should not add up to more than 100% of a single pool.


timeToIdleSeconds : 元素的空闲时间,指元素在这个时间内没有被访问,那么就会被淘汰。默认是0表示无限制。




eternal:永不过期,如果设置了这个属性,那么忽略timeToIdleSeconds 和 timeToLiveSeconds。



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