对bulk request的处理流程:


2、创建一个shardId--> Operation的Map,再次遍历所有的request,获取获取每个request应该发送到的shardId,获取的过程是这样的:request有routing就直接返回,如果没有,会先对id求一个hash,这里的hash函数默认是Murmur3,当然你也可以通过配置index.legacy.routing.hash.type来决定使用的hash函数,决定发到哪个shard:

return MathUtils.mod(hash, indexMetaData.getNumberOfShards());

即用hash对shard的总数求模来获取shardId,将shardId作为key,通过遍历的index和request组成BulkItemRequest的集合作为value放入之前说的map中(为什么要拿到遍历的index,因为在bulk response中可以看到对每个request的请求处理结果的),其实说了这么多就是要对request按shard来分组(为负载均衡)。

3、遍历上面得到的map,对不同的分组创建一个bulkShardRequest,包含配置consistencyLevel和timeout。并从集群state中获得primary shard,如果primary在本机就直接执行,如果不在会再发送到其shard所在的node。



void org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest.process(MetaData metaData, @Nullable MappingMetaData mappingMd, boolean allowIdGeneration, String concreteIndex) throws ElasticsearchException
// generate id if not already provided and id generation is allowed
if (allowIdGeneration) {
if (id == null) {
// since we generate the id, change it to CREATE
autoGeneratedId = true;

IndexRequest org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest.id(String id)

Sets the id of the indexed document. If not set, will be automatically generated.

String org.elasticsearch.common.Strings.base64UUID()

Generates a time-based UUID (similar to Flake IDs), which is preferred when generating an ID to be indexed into a Lucene index as primary key. The id is opaque and the implementation is free to change at any time!

/** Generates a time-based UUID (similar to Flake IDs), which is preferred when generating an ID to be indexed into a Lucene index as
* primary key. The id is opaque and the implementation is free to change at any time! */
public static String base64UUID() {




https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/7531/files ES历史版本的改动可以在这里看到,最开始ES使用的是randomBase64UUID,出于性能后来用了类似Flake的ID!


http://www.opscoder.info/es_indexprocess1.html 有bulk插入的详细说明


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