1. <view class="container">
  2. <view class="page-body">
  3. <view class="page-section">
  5. <view class="animation-element-wrapper">
  6. <view class="animation-element" animation="{{animation}}"></view>
  7. </view>
  8. <scroll-view class="animation-buttons" scroll-y="true">
  9. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotate">旋转</button>
  10. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="scale">缩放</button>
  11. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="translate">移动</button>
  12. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="skew">倾斜</button>
  13. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotateAndScale">旋转并缩放</button>
  14. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="rotateThenScale">旋转后缩放</button>
  15. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="all">同时展示全部</button>
  16. <button class="animation-button" bindtap="allInQueue">顺序展示全部</button>
  17. <button class="animation-button animation-button-reset" bindtap="reset">还原</button>
  18. </scroll-view>
  19. </view>
  20. </view>
  21. </view>


  1. .animation-element-wrapper {
  2. display: flex;
  3. width: %;
  4. padding-top: 150rpx;
  5. padding-bottom: 150rpx;
  6. justify-content: center;
  7. overflow: hidden;
  8. background-color: #ffffff;
  9. }
  10. .animation-element {
  11. width: 200rpx;
  12. height: 200rpx;
  13. background-color: #1AAD19;
  14. }
  15. .animation-buttons {
  16. padding: 30rpx 50rpx 10rpx;
  17. width: %;
  18. height: 600rpx;
  19. box-sizing: border-box;
  20. }
  21. .animation-button {
  22. float: left;
  23. line-height: ;
  24. width: 300rpx;
  25. margin: 15rpx 12rpx;
  26. }
  28. .animation-button-reset {
  29. width: 620rpx;
  30. }


  1. Page({
  2. onReady: function () {
  3. this.animation = wx.createAnimation()
  4. },
  5. rotate: function () {
  6. this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * - ).step()
  7. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  8. },
  9. scale: function () {
  10. this.animation.scale(Math.random() * ).step()
  11. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  12. },
  13. translate: function () {
  14. this.animation.translate(Math.random() * - , Math.random() * - ).step()
  15. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  16. },
  17. skew: function () {
  18. this.animation.skew(Math.random() * , Math.random() * ).step()
  19. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  20. },
  21. rotateAndScale: function () {
  22. this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * - )
  23. .scale(Math.random() * )
  24. .step()
  25. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  26. },
  27. rotateThenScale: function () {
  28. this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * - ).step()
  29. .scale(Math.random() * ).step()
  30. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  31. },
  32. all: function () {
  33. this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * - )
  34. .scale(Math.random() * )
  35. .translate(Math.random() * - , Math.random() * - )
  36. .skew(Math.random() * , Math.random() * )
  37. .step()
  38. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  39. },
  40. allInQueue: function () {
  41. this.animation.rotate(Math.random() * - ).step()
  42. .scale(Math.random() * ).step()
  43. .translate(Math.random() * - , Math.random() * - ).step()
  44. .skew(Math.random() * , Math.random() * ).step()
  45. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  46. },
  47. reset: function () {
  48. this.animation.rotate(, )
  49. .scale()
  50. .translate(, )
  51. .skew(, )
  52. .step({ duration: })
  53. this.setData({ animation: this.animation.export() })
  54. }
  55. })


  1. 小程序animation动画效果综合应用案例(交流QQ群:604788754)

    如果案例有问题,可到QQ群找到今日相关压缩文件下载测试. WXML: <view class="cebian"> <view animation="{{ ...

  2. Android中xml设置Animation动画效果详解

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  3. android中设置Animation 动画效果

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  5. 微信小程序Animation动画的使用

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  6. 微信小程序的动画效果

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  8. android Animation 动画效果介绍

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  9. ios animation 动画效果实现

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