pat 1065 A+B and C                                         


int main()
int testNum;
long long MAX = LONG_LONG_MAX; //pow(2,63) - 1,
long long MIN = LONG_LONG_MIN; //-1*pow(2,63);
for(int i = ; i <= testNum; i++)
long long a,b,c;
scanf("%lld %lld %lld", &a, &b, &c); if(a >= && b >=)
if(MAX - a >= b)
goto NORMAL;
printf("Case #%d: true\n", i);
else if(a < && b < )
if(MIN - a <= b)
goto NORMAL;
printf("Case #%d: false\n", i);
else ; NORMAL:
if(a + b > c)
printf("Case #%d: true\n", i);
printf("Case #%d: false\n", i);
return ;

pat 1066 Root of AVL Tree                                          本文地址


#include<cmath> //operate of AVL tree inline int max2(int a, int b)
return a>b? a:b;
} struct avlnode
struct avlnode *rson;
struct avlnode *lson;
int data;
int height;
}; inline int height(struct avlnode *tree)
if(NULL == tree)
return -;
else return tree->height;
} void rotateR(struct avlnode * &root)
struct avlnode *proot = root;
root = root->lson;
proot->lson = root->rson;
root->rson = proot;
proot->height = max2(height(proot->lson), height(proot->rson)) + ;
root->height = max2(height(root->lson), height(root->rson)) + ;
} void rotateL(struct avlnode * &root)
struct avlnode * proot = root;
root = root->rson;
proot->rson = root->lson;
root->lson = proot;
proot->height = max2(height(proot->lson), height(proot->rson)) + ;
root->height = max2(height(root->lson), height(root->rson)) + ;
} void rotateRL(struct avlnode * &root)
} void rotateLR(struct avlnode * &root)
} void insertAVL(struct avlnode * &root, int data)
if(root == NULL)
root = new struct avlnode;
root->data = data;
root->lson = NULL;
root->rson = NULL;
root->height = ;
} if(data < root->data)
insertAVL(root->lson, data);
if( == height(root->lson) - height(root->rson))
if(data < root->lson->data)
else rotateLR(root);
insertAVL(root->rson, data);
if(- == height(root->lson) - height(root->rson))
if(data > root->rson->data)
root->height = max2(height(root->lson), height(root->rson)) + ;
} int main()
int N;
scanf("%d", &N);
struct avlnode *root = NULL;
for(int i = ; i <= N; i++)
int data;
scanf("%d", &data);
printf("%d", root->data);
return ;

pat 1067 Sort with Swap(0,*)                                     本文地址



如0 1 2 3 4
   4 0 3 2 1 该序列存在2个循环 0-4-4-1-1-0,2-3-3-2 ,0被交换到了第一个位置2次,但是最后一次是刚好把0归为,因此交换次数为N-1+(2-1)。




int main()
int N,*arry;
scanf("%d", &N);
arry = new int[N];
bool *flag = new bool[N];
int swaptimes = -;
for(int i = ; i < N; i++)
scanf("%d", &arry[i]);
if(arry[i] == i)flag[i] = true;
flag[i] = false;
if(swaptimes == -)
return ;
} if(flag[] == true)
swaptimes += ;
for(int i = ; i < N; i++)
int k = arry[i];
if(flag[k] == false)
while(flag[k] == false)
flag[k] = true;
k = arry[k];
} }
printf("%d", swaptimes - );
delete []arry;
delete []flag;
return ;

pat 1068 Find More Coins                                       本文地址

典型的0-1背包问题,关于0-1背包的讲解可参考Cui Tianyi大神的背包九讲

  • 本题动态规划方程:f[i][v] = max{ f[i-1][v],  f[i-1][v-coins[i]]+coins[i] } ,f[i][v]表示前i枚硬币能拼凑出不超过v的最大金额,v代表的是一个金额,coins[i]代表第i个硬币的面额;
  • 由于题目还要求输出最小字典序,可以先对硬币按面值递减排序,并且在程序中,当f[i-1][v] = f[i-1][v-coins[i]]+coins[i] 时,我们选择后者,因为后者倾向于选择排在后面的硬币,越选择排在后面的硬币,结果序列的字典序越小。(开始我误认为先对硬币从小到大排序,然后当f[i-1][v] = f[i-1][v-coins[i]]+coins[i] 时,选择前者也可以得到正确答案,实验证明这是错误的,因为选择前者的意思是倾向于尽量不选择大面值的硬币,但是这样并不等价于结果序列的字典序小,比如2 3 4比1 3 5 的字典序大,但是1 3 5却选择了更大的面值5)
  • 对于最后结果序列的输出,我们用数组path[i][j]保存结果,path[i][j]=true表示凑足价格 j 时,使用了前 i 个硬币中的第 i 个,false表示没有使用,最后可以从path中逆推结果,具体见代码


#include<algorithm> int main()
//freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
int coinNum, needPay;
scanf("%d%d", &coinNum, &needPay);
int coins[coinNum+];
for(int i = ; i <= coinNum; i++)
scanf("%d", &coins[i]);
//f[i][j] 表示前 i 枚硬币能拼凑出的小于等于 j 的最大值(j 这里代表一个价格)
int f[coinNum+][needPay+];
bool path[coinNum+][needPay+];
for(int i = ; i <= coinNum; i++)//初始化
for(int j = ; j <= needPay; j++)
f[i][j] = ;
path[i][j] = false;
std::sort(coins+, coins+coinNum+, std::greater<int>());
for(int i = ; i <= coinNum; i++)
for(int j = coins[i]; j <= needPay; j++)
if(f[i-][j] <= f[i-][j-coins[i]] + coins[i])
f[i][j] = f[i-][j-coins[i]] + coins[i];
path[i][j] = true;
f[i][j] = f[i-][j];
path[i][j] = false;
if(f[coinNum][needPay] != needPay)
printf("No Solution\n");
int tmp = needPay, i = coinNum;
while(tmp > )
if(path[i][tmp] == true)
printf("%d", coins[i]);
tmp -= coins[i];
if(tmp > )
printf(" ");
return ;

对于该题,对于数据规模不大时,可以用递归解法,比如问题 “1...n个硬币凑足价格p” 可以分为 “2...n个硬币凑足价格p-coin[1]” 和"2...n个硬币凑足价格p",即分为第一个硬币选择或者不选两种情。对于结果要求最小字典序,先将硬币按面值从小到大排序,分解问题时,先求第一个硬币选择时的子问题。1068的递归代码如下,但是最后一个测试数据超时,不知道是因为代码有问题还是数据规模太大,如果大家找出了问题,请留言,谢谢!

#include<algorithm> bool gatherCoinRecur(int money, int coins[], int n, int start, bool choose[])
if(money == )return true;
else if(money < )return false;
if(start >= n)return false;
choose[start] = true;
if(gatherCoinRecur(money - coins[start], coins, n, start+, choose))
return true;
choose[start] = false;
if(gatherCoinRecur(money, coins, n, start+, choose))
return true;
return false;
} int main()
freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
int coinNum, needPay;
scanf("%d%d", &coinNum, &needPay);
int coins[coinNum];
bool choose[coinNum];
for(int i = ; i < coinNum; i++)
scanf("%d", &coins[i]);
choose[i] = false;
std::sort(coins, coins+coinNum);
if(gatherCoinRecur(needPay, coins, coinNum, , choose))
int i = ;
while(choose[i] == false)i++;
printf("%d", coins[i]);
for(i++; i < coinNum; i++)
if(choose[i])printf(" %d", coins[i]);
else printf("No Solution\n");
return ;


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