require('class\class1.php'); if($is_girl){
echo 'this is a girl';
$class1 = new Class1;
echo "this is a boy";
$class2 = new Class2;
} 版本2
echo 'this is a girl';
require('class\class1.php'); $class1 = new Class1;
echo "this is a boy";
$class2 = new Class2;
} 版本3
function my_loader($class){
spl_auto_register('my_loader'); if($is_girl){
echo 'this is a girl';
$class1 = new Class1;
echo "this is a boy";
$class2 = new Class2;
} 版本4
function my_loader($class){
spl_auto_register('my_loader'); if($is_girl){
echo 'this is a girl';
$class1 = new Class1;
echo "this is a boy";
$class2 = new Class2;
} yii\wendor\yiisoft\yii2\yii.php

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