I want to deploy linux as a server with low latency transactions. Which version of the operating system should I choose?

There are many different Linux distributions available that can be used as servers with low-latency transactions. The choice of distribution will depend on a variety of factors, including your specific needs, preferences, and experience with different distributions.

Some popular Linux distributions for servers with low-latency transactions include:

  • Ubuntu Server: This is a popular choice for servers, with a large community and extensive documentation available. It is designed for stability and ease of use, and includes support for a wide range of software and hardware.

  • CentOS: This is a free, community-driven distribution that is designed for stability and long-term support. It is popular for web hosting, database management, and other server applications.

  • Debian: This is a popular distribution for servers, with a focus on stability and security. It includes a large number of software packages and is well-suited for customizing and optimizing for specific use cases.

  • Arch Linux: This is a lightweight distribution that is designed for simplicity and minimalism. It is well-suited for advanced users who want to customize their system for specific use cases.

  • Gentoo: This is a highly customizable distribution that is designed for advanced users. It allows for granular control over system components and is well-suited for low-latency applications.

There are many other Linux distributions available, and the best choice for your needs will depend on a variety of factors, including your experience, the specific applications you are running, and your preferences for system administration and support. It may be helpful to try out a few different distributions to see which one works best for your needs.

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