The pattern language is organized into four design spaces.  Generally one starts at the top in the Finding Concurrency design space and works down through the other design spaces in order until a detailed design for a parallel program is obtained.

Click on a design space name in the figure or list for more details.

Finding Concurrency

This design space is concerned with structuring the problem to expose exploitable concurrency. The designer working at this level focuses on high-level algorithmic issues and reasons about the problem to expose potential concurrency.

Introduction to Finding Concurrency

Task Decomposition

Data Decomposition

Group Tasks

Order Tasks

Data Sharing

Design Evaluation

Algorithm Structure  

This design space is concerned with structuring the algorithm to take advantage of potential concurrency. That is, the designer working at this level reasons about how to use the concurrency exposed in working with the Finding Concurrency patterns. The Algorithm Structure patterns describe overall strategies for exploiting concurrency.

Introduction to Algorithm Structure

Task Parallelism

Divide and Conquer

Geometric Decomposition

Recursive Data


Event-Based Coordination

Supporting Structures

This design space represents an intermediate stage between the Algorithm Structure  and Implementation Mechanisms design spaces. Two important groups of patterns in this space are those that represent program-structuring approaches and those that represent commonly used shared data structures.

Introduction to Supporting Structures



Loop Parallelism


Shared Data

Shared Queue

Distributed Array

Other supporting structures

Implementation Mechanisms

The Implementation Mechanisms design space is concerned with how the patterns of the higher-level spaces are mapped into particular programming environments. We use it to provide descriptions of common mechanisms for process/thread management and interaction. The items in this design space are not presented as patterns since in many cases they map directly onto elements within particular parallel programming environments. We include them in our pattern language anyway, however, to provide a complete path from problem description to code.

Introduction to Implementation Mechanisms

UE Management

Thread Creation/Destruction

Process Creation/Destruction


Memory Synchronization and Fences


Mutual Exclusion


MPI: Message Passing

OpenMP: Message Passing

Java: Message Passing

Collective Communication

Other Communication Constructs

Before starting to work with the patterns in this design space, the algorithm designer must first consider the problem to be solved and make sure the effort to create a parallel program will be justified: Is the problem sufficiently large, and the results sufficiently significant, to justify expending effort to solve it faster? If so, the next step is to make sure the key features and data elements within the problem are well understood. Finally, the designer needs to understand which parts of the problem are most computationally intensive, since it is on those parts of the problem that the effort to parallelize the problem should be focused.

Once this analysis is complete, the patterns in the Finding Concurrency  design space can be used to start designing a parallel algorithm. The patterns in this design space can be organized into three groups as shown in the figure.


Decomposition Patterns  There are two decomposition patterns. These patterns are used to decompose the problem into pieces that can execute concurrently.

Task Decomposition 

How can a problem be decomposed into tasks that can execute concurrently?

Data Decomposition

How can a problem's data be decomposed into units that can be operated on relatively independently?

Dependency Analysis Patterns. This group contains three patterns that help group the tasks and analyze the dependencies among them

Group Tasks 

How can the tasks that make up a problem be grouped to simplify the job of managing dependencies?

Order Tasks

Given a way of decomposing a problem into tasks and a way of collecting these tasks into logically related groups, how must these groups of tasks be ordered to satisfy constraints among tasks?

Data Sharing

Given a data and task decomposition for a problem, how is data shared among the tasks?

Nominally, the patterns are applied in this order. In practice, however, it is often necessary to work back and forth between them, or possibly even revisit the decomposition patterns.

The Design Evaluation  Pattern.

Is the decomposition and dependency analysis so far good enough to move on to the Algorithm Structure design space, or should the design be revisited?

After analyzing the concurrency in a problem, perhaps by using the patterns in the Finding Concurrency design space, the next task is to  refine the design and move it closer to a program that can execute tasks concurrently by mapping the concurrency onto multiple units of execution (UEs) running on a parallel computer.

Of the countless ways to define an algorithm structure, most follow one of six basic design patterns. These patterns make up the Algorithm Structure  design space.  The figure shows the patterns in the designs space and the relationship to the other spaces.

The key issue at this stage is to decide which pattern or patterns are most appropriate for the problem.  In making this decision, various forces such as simplicity, portability, scalability, and efficiency may pull the design in different directions.  The features of the target platform must also be taken into account.

There is usually a major organizing principle implied by the concurrency that helps choose a pattern. This usually falls into one of three categories:

Organization by tasks

Task Parallelism

How can an algorithm be organized around a collection of tasks that can execute concurrently?

Divide and Conquer

Suppose the problem is formulated using the sequential divide and conquer strategy. How can the potential concurrency be exploited?

Organization by data decomposition

Geometric Decomposition 

How can an algorithm be organized around a data structure that has been decomposed into concurrently updateable ``chunks''?

Recursive Data

Suppose the problem involves an operation on a recursive data structure (such as a list, tree, or graph) that appears to require sequential processing. How can operations on these data structures be performed in parallel?

Organization by flow of data


Suppose that the overall computation involves performing a calculation on many sets of data, where the calculation can be viewed in terms of data flowing through a sequence of stages. How can the potential concurrency be exploited?

Event-based Coordination

Suppose the application can be decomposed into groups of semi-independent tasks interacting in an irregular fashion. The interaction is determined by the flow of data between them which implies ordering constraints between the tasks. How can these tasks and their interaction be implemented so they can execute concurrently?

The most effective parallel algorithm design may make use of multiple algorithm structures (combined hierarchically, compositionally, or in sequence). For example, it often happens that the very top level of the design is a sequential composition of one or more Algorithm Structure patterns. Other designs may be organized hierarchically, with one pattern used to organize the interaction of the major task groups and other patterns used to organize tasks within the groups -- for example, an instance of Pipeline in which individual stages are instances of Task Parallelism.

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