




Runtime: 8 ms, faster than 46.69% of C++ online submissions for 2 Keys Keyboard.

class Solution
int targetNum = ;
int resNum = INT_MAX;
int minSteps(int n)
targetNum = n;
if (n == )
return ;
dfs(, , );
return resNum;
void dfs(int copy, int curNum, int times)
if (curNum == targetNum)
resNum = min(times, resNum);
else if (curNum >= targetNum)
else if (copy >= curNum)
dfs(copy, curNum + copy, times + );
dfs(curNum, curNum, times + );
dfs(copy, curNum + copy, times + );


当n >= 2的时候,最优策略就是尽可能地生成n的最大因数(n / d)个A,然后进行 Copy 一次 Paste d - 1次操作,

为使n / d尽可能的大,只能使d尽可能的小,于是d从2开始循环。当找到一个d之后,我们接下来只需要解决生成n /d个A的问题,所以在循环中让n变为n / d即可。时间复杂度降低到了O(logn)。
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00% of C++ online submissions for 2 Keys Keyboard.

class Solution
int minSteps(int n)
int res = ;
int d = ;
while (n > )
while (n % d == )
res += d;
n /= d;
return res;

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