Ocelot是啥就不介绍了哈,网关大家都知道,如果大家看过源码会发现其核心就是由一个个的管道中间件组成的,当然这也是Net Core的亮点之一。一个请求到来,会按照中间件的注册顺序进行处理,今天的问题出在Ocelot管道中间件这里,现在有个需求是想要在网关层面对数据进行加密解密,前端会对数据进行加密,通过网关的时候进行解密传递下游,下游返回数据网关进行加密返回给前端。
- public class TestResponseMiddleware: OcelotMiddleware
- {
- private readonly OcelotRequestDelegate _next;
- public TestResponseMiddleware(OcelotRequestDelegate next,IOcelotLoggerFactory loggerFactory)
- : base(loggerFactory.CreateLogger<TestResponseMiddleware>())
- {
- _next = next;
- }
- public async Task Invoke(DownstreamContext context)
- {
- if (!context.IsError && context.HttpContext.Request.Method.ToUpper() != "OPTIONS")
- {
- //对返回结果进行加密
- //Logger.LogInformation("");
- if (context.HttpContext.Response != null && context.DownstreamResponse.Content.Headers.ContentLength > )
- {
- var result= await context.DownstreamResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
- using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
- {
- var md5Result = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(result));
- var strResult = BitConverter.ToString(md5Result);
- strResult = strResult.Replace("-", "");
- context.HttpContext.Response.Body.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strResult));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- await _next.Invoke(context);
- }
- }
- }
- public static class TestServiceExtension
- {
- public static IOcelotPipelineBuilder UseTestResponseMiddleware(this IOcelotPipelineBuilder builder)
- {
- return builder.UseMiddleware<TestResponseMiddleware>();
- }
- }
- public static class OcelotMiddlewareExtensions
- {
- public static async Task<IApplicationBuilder> UseOcelot(this IApplicationBuilder builder)
- {
- await builder.UseOcelot(new OcelotPipelineConfiguration());
- return builder;
- }
- private static IApplicationBuilder CreateOcelotPipeline(IApplicationBuilder builder, OcelotPipelineConfiguration pipelineConfiguration)
- {
- var pipelineBuilder = new OcelotPipelineBuilder(builder.ApplicationServices);
- pipelineBuilder.BuildOcelotPipeline(pipelineConfiguration);
- var firstDelegate = pipelineBuilder.Build();
- /*
- inject first delegate into first piece of asp.net middleware..maybe not like this
- then because we are updating the http context in ocelot it comes out correct for
- rest of asp.net..
- */
- builder.Properties["analysis.NextMiddlewareName"] = "TransitionToOcelotMiddleware";
- builder.Use(async (context, task) =>
- {
- var downstreamContext = new DownstreamContext(context);
- await firstDelegate.Invoke(downstreamContext);
- });
- return builder;
- }
可以看到里面 pipelineBuilder.BuildOcelotPipeline(pipelineConfiguration)这句代码,这是Ocelot管道中间件的创建方法,我们要修改的就是这两个地方,这个方法在OcelotPipelineExtensions.cs类文件里,点进去看一下:
- public static class OcelotPipelineExtensions
- {
- public static OcelotRequestDelegate BuildCustomeOcelotPipeline(this IOcelotPipelineBuilder builder,
- OcelotPipelineConfiguration pipelineConfiguration)
- {
- // This is registered to catch any global exceptions that are not handled
- // It also sets the Request Id if anything is set globally
- builder.UseExceptionHandlerMiddleware();
- // If the request is for websockets upgrade we fork into a different pipeline
- builder.MapWhen(context => context.HttpContext.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest,
- app =>
- {
- app.UseDownstreamRouteFinderMiddleware();
- app.UseDownstreamRequestInitialiser();
- app.UseLoadBalancingMiddleware();
- app.UseDownstreamUrlCreatorMiddleware();
- app.UseWebSocketsProxyMiddleware();
- });
- // Allow the user to respond with absolutely anything they want.
- builder.UseIfNotNull(pipelineConfiguration.PreErrorResponderMiddleware);
- // This is registered first so it can catch any errors and issue an appropriate response
- builder.UseResponderMiddleware();
- // Then we get the downstream route information
- builder.UseDownstreamRouteFinderMiddleware();
- // This security module, IP whitelist blacklist, extended security mechanism
- builder.UseSecurityMiddleware();
- //Expand other branch pipes
- if (pipelineConfiguration.MapWhenOcelotPipeline != null)
- {
- foreach (var pipeline in pipelineConfiguration.MapWhenOcelotPipeline)
- {
- builder.MapWhen(pipeline);
- }
- }
- // Now we have the ds route we can transform headers and stuff?
- builder.UseHttpHeadersTransformationMiddleware();
- // Initialises downstream request
- builder.UseDownstreamRequestInitialiser();
- // We check whether the request is ratelimit, and if there is no continue processing
- builder.UseRateLimiting();
- // This adds or updates the request id (initally we try and set this based on global config in the error handling middleware)
- // If anything was set at global level and we have a different setting at re route level the global stuff will be overwritten
- // This means you can get a scenario where you have a different request id from the first piece of middleware to the request id middleware.
- builder.UseRequestIdMiddleware();
- // Allow pre authentication logic. The idea being people might want to run something custom before what is built in.
- builder.UseIfNotNull(pipelineConfiguration.PreAuthenticationMiddleware);
- // Now we know where the client is going to go we can authenticate them.
- // We allow the ocelot middleware to be overriden by whatever the
- // user wants
- if (pipelineConfiguration.AuthenticationMiddleware == null)
- {
- builder.UseAuthenticationMiddleware();
- }
- else
- {
- builder.Use(pipelineConfiguration.AuthenticationMiddleware);
- }
- // The next thing we do is look at any claims transforms in case this is important for authorisation
- builder.UseClaimsToClaimsMiddleware();
- // Allow pre authorisation logic. The idea being people might want to run something custom before what is built in.
- builder.UseIfNotNull(pipelineConfiguration.PreAuthorisationMiddleware);
- // Now we have authenticated and done any claims transformation we
- // can authorise the request
- // We allow the ocelot middleware to be overriden by whatever the
- // user wants
- if (pipelineConfiguration.AuthorisationMiddleware == null)
- {
- builder.UseAuthorisationMiddleware();
- }
- else
- {
- builder.Use(pipelineConfiguration.AuthorisationMiddleware);
- }
- // Now we can run the claims to headers transformation middleware
- builder.UseClaimsToHeadersMiddleware();
- // Allow the user to implement their own query string manipulation logic
- builder.UseIfNotNull(pipelineConfiguration.PreQueryStringBuilderMiddleware);
- // Now we can run any claims to query string transformation middleware
- builder.UseClaimsToQueryStringMiddleware();
- // Get the load balancer for this request
- builder.UseLoadBalancingMiddleware();
- // This takes the downstream route we retrieved earlier and replaces any placeholders with the variables that should be used
- builder.UseDownstreamUrlCreatorMiddleware();
- // Not sure if this is the best place for this but we use the downstream url
- // as the basis for our cache key.
- builder.UseOutputCacheMiddleware();
- //We fire off the request and set the response on the scoped data repo
- builder.UseHttpRequesterMiddleware();
- //添加自定义测试中间件
- builder.UseTestResponseMiddleware();
- return builder.Build();
- }
- private static void UseIfNotNull(this IOcelotPipelineBuilder builder,
- Func<DownstreamContext, Func<Task>, Task> middleware)
- {
- if (middleware != null)
- {
- builder.Use(middleware);
- }
- }
- }
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