The Employee table holds all employees. Every employee has an Id, a salary, and there is also a column for the department Id.

| Id | Name | Salary | DepartmentId |
| 1 | Joe | 70000 | 1 |
| 2  | Jim   | 90000  | 1            |
| 3 | Henry | 80000 | 2 |
| 4 | Sam | 60000 | 2 |
| 5 | Max | 90000 | 1 |
The Department table holds all departments of the company. +----+----------+
| Id | Name |
| 1 | IT |
| 2 | Sales |
Write a SQL query to find employees who have the highest salary in each of the departments. For the above tables, your SQL query should return the following rows (order of rows does not matter). +------------+----------+--------+
| Department | Employee | Salary |
| IT | Max | 90000 |
| IT         | Jim      | 90000  |
| Sales | Henry | 80000 |



此外,需要选取每个Department 的最大数值,那么肯定涉及max以及group by操作.


# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT Employee.Name AS Employee, Employee.Salary, Department.Name AS Department
FROM Employee, Department
Employee.DepartmentId = Department.Id
AND (Employee.DepartmentId, Employee.Salary)
(SELECT Employee.DepartmentId, max(Employee.Salary)
FROM Employee
GROUP BY Employee.DepartmentId);

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