


 class Solution
int maximalSquare(vector<vector<char>>& matrix)
if (matrix.empty()) return ;
int m = matrix.size(), n = matrix[].size();
vector<int> dp(m, );
int maxn = ;
for (int i = ; i < m; i++)
dp[i] = matrix[i][] - '';
maxn = max(maxn, dp[i]);
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
int pre = dp[];
dp[] = matrix[][i] - '';
maxn = max(dp[], maxn);
for (int j = ; j < m; j++)
if (matrix[j][i] == '')
pre = min(pre, min(dp[j - ], dp[j])) + ;
swap(dp[j], pre);
maxn = max(maxn, dp[j]);
else dp[j] = ;
return maxn * maxn;

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