






  1. var f:array[..,..]of longint;
  2. x,y,sa,rank,height,a,wc,wd:array[..]of longint;
  3. ch:ansistring;
  4. n,m,i,k,max,tmp,t,j:longint;
  6. function min(x,y:longint):longint;
  7. begin
  8. if x<y then exit(x);
  9. exit(y);
  10. end;
  12. procedure swap(var x,y:longint);
  13. var t:longint;
  14. begin
  15. t:=x; x:=y; y:=t;
  16. end;
  18. function cmp(a,b,l:longint):boolean;
  19. begin
  20. exit((y[a]=y[b])and(y[a+l]=y[b+l]));
  21. end;
  23. procedure getsa(n:longint);
  24. var i,j,p:longint;
  25. begin
  26. for i:= to n- do
  27. begin
  28. x[i]:=a[i];
  29. inc(wc[a[i]]);
  30. end;
  31. for i:= to m- do wc[i]:=wc[i-]+wc[i];
  32. for i:=n- downto do
  33. begin
  34. dec(wc[x[i]]);
  35. sa[wc[x[i]]]:=i;
  36. end;
  37. j:=; p:=;
  38. while p<n do
  39. begin
  40. p:=;
  41. for i:=n-j to n- do
  42. begin
  43. y[p]:=i; inc(p);
  44. end;
  45. for i:= to n- do
  46. if sa[i]>=j then begin y[p]:=sa[i]-j; inc(p); end;
  47. for i:= to n- do wd[i]:=x[y[i]];
  48. for i:= to m- do wc[i]:=;
  49. for i:= to n- do inc(wc[wd[i]]);
  50. for i:= to m- do wc[i]:=wc[i-]+wc[i];
  51. for i:=n- downto do
  52. begin
  53. dec(wc[wd[i]]);
  54. sa[wc[wd[i]]]:=y[i];
  55. end;
  56. for i:= to n do swap(x[i],y[i]);
  57. p:=; x[sa[]]:=;
  58. for i:= to n- do
  59. if cmp(sa[i-],sa[i],j) then x[sa[i]]:=p-
  60. else begin x[sa[i]]:=p; inc(p); end;
  61. j:=j*;
  62. m:=p;
  63. end;
  64. end;
  66. procedure getheight(n:longint);
  67. var i,j,k:longint;
  68. begin
  69. k:=;
  70. for i:= to n do rank[sa[i]]:=i;
  71. for i:= to n- do
  72. begin
  73. if k> then dec(k);
  74. j:=sa[rank[i]-];
  75. while a[i+k]=a[j+k] do inc(k);
  76. height[rank[i]]:=k;
  77. end;
  78. end;
  80. function query(x,y:longint):longint;
  81. var len,l:longint;
  82. begin
  83. len:=y-x+; l:=trunc(ln(len)/ln());
  84. exit(min(f[x,l],f[y-(<<l)+,l]));
  85. end;
  87. function lcp(x,y:longint):longint;
  88. var i,j:longint;
  89. begin
  90. //inc(x); inc(y);
  91. i:=rank[x]; j:=rank[y];
  92. if i>j then swap(i,j);
  93. inc(i);
  94. exit(query(i,j));
  95. end;
  97. procedure init;
  98. begin
  99. fillchar(a,sizeof(a),);
  100. fillchar(height,sizeof(height),);
  101. fillchar(sa,sizeof(sa),);
  102. fillchar(rank,sizeof(rank),);
  103. fillchar(f,sizeof(f),);
  104. fillchar(x,sizeof(x),);
  105. fillchar(y,sizeof(y),);
  106. fillchar(wc,sizeof(wc),);
  107. fillchar(wd,sizeof(wd),);
  108. end;
  110. begin
  111. assign(input,'ural1297.in'); reset(input);
  112. assign(output,'ural1297.out'); rewrite(output);
  113. while not eof do
  114. begin
  115. init;
  116. readln(ch);
  117. n:=length(ch);
  118. if n= then break;
  119. for i:= to n- do a[i]:=ord(ch[i+]);
  120. a[n]:=; m:=;
  121. for i:=n+ to *n do a[i]:=ord(ch[n-(i-n)+]);
  122. a[n*+]:=;
  123. getsa(n*+);
  124. getheight(n*+);
  125. m:=n*+;
  126. t:=trunc(ln(m)/ln());
  127. for i:= to m do f[i,]:=height[i];
  128. for i:= to t do
  129. for j:= to m do
  130. if j+(<<(i-))<=m then f[j,i]:=min(f[j,i-],f[j+(<<(i-)),i-]);
  131. max:=; k:=;
  132. for i:= to n- do
  133. begin
  134. tmp:=lcp(i,*n-i)*-;
  135. if tmp>max then
  136. begin
  137. max:=tmp;
  138. k:=i;
  139. end;
  140. if i> then
  141. begin
  142. tmp:=lcp(i,n*-i+)*;
  143. if tmp>max then
  144. begin
  145. max:=tmp;
  146. k:=i;
  147. end;
  148. end;
  149. end;
  150. if max mod = then
  151. for j:=k-max div + to k+max div + do write(ch[j])
  152. else
  153. for j:=k-max div + to k+max div do write(ch[j]);
  154. writeln;
  155. // for i:= to n*+ do writeln(height[i]);
  156. // for i:= to n*+ do writeln(rank[i]);
  157. // writeln;
  158. end;
  160. close(input);
  161. close(output);
  162. end.


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