viva correction statements
* List of amendments
| No. | Location | Amendments |
| 1 | ch1, P1 | explain the term 'modern renewables'; distinguish wave and tides energies and corresponding devices |
| 2 | ch1, P2 | delete figures about wave energy converter (fig. 1.2 in the previous version thesis) |
| 3 | ch1, P5 | highlight tide current is important, and specify the frequencies of waves, wind-waves have much shorter time scale, |
| 4 | ch1, P6 | highlight contributions |
| 5 | ch2, P19 | add literature on dual rotor |
| 6 | ch2,P17 | add references |
| 7 | ch3, P23 | add references to BEM method |
| 8 | ch3, P24 | add 1D momentum and Euler' turbine equations, i.e. eqs. 3.1-3.5; 3.16-3.19 |
| 9 | ch3, P25 | add explanation on C_n, C_t |
| 10 | Ch3, P26 | add more texts to explain Fig.3.2 |
| 11 | ch3, p27 | better explanation on Unsteady BEM |
| 12 | ch3, P30,31 | delete unrelated term in equations of turbulence models, add Eq. 3.47 |
| 13 | ch3, P32 | better format for formula |
| 14 | ch4, p40 | add text to explain Fig.4.7 |
| 15 | ch4, P41 | add Fig4.7, show c_p and C_T from URANS and RANS |
| 16 | ch4, p42 | add references for Burton and implicit models |
| 17 | ch4, p48 | delete results from others, and highlight results and contribution |
| 18 | ch5, P49 | add periods to tides |
| 19 | ch5, P58 | explain the reason for the discontinuity of streamlines on interface |
| 20 | ch5, P59 | better explanation on local aoa |
| 21 | ch5, p68 | add assumption of the stalled blade model |
| 22 | ch5, P69, 70 | add blade profiles; add URANS as further research |
| 23 | ch6, p72 | explain the origin of z coordinate |
| 24 | ch6, p74 | explain how to determine time step size |
| 25 | ch6, p76,77 | add velocity contours from RANS, Fig. 6.5, and 6.6 |
| 26 | ch6, p78 | Fig.6.8b is corrected, explain power spectra of C_T, Fig.6.12 and 6.13 |
| 27 | ch6, p79 | more explanation on the harmonic seen in Fig.6.11 |
| 28 | ch6, p82 | change LES to RANS in the further research recommendation |
| 29 | ch7, p83 | reduce text size in the summary, highlight my contribution, delete results from previour work, such as " it was already seen ..." |
| 30 | ch7, p84 | change verb tense, rewrite the sentences |
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