① 从配置文件中读取配置:

1,在模板页面加载配置文件 html页面 不是php页面
<{config_load file='fo.conf'}>


3, 如果配置文件分了块,要取某一块的配置 用到section

<{config_load file='aa.conf' section='aa'}>

② 调用变量调节器: |

capitalize 单词首字母大写<{$test|capitalize}

 cat  连接字符串   <{$articleTitle|cat:" yesterday."}>

lower 小写    <{$articleTitle|lower}>   类如upper

truncate   截取   <{$articleTitle|truncate:30}>

③ 自定义变量调节器:

1,在自定义的插件目录下新建文件,注意命名规则 (plugins插件文件夹下)


2,在以上文件里面新建方法: 注意命名规则





function smarty_modifier_mark($str)
return "<mark>{$str}</mark>";


操作练习 :   0429test.php 中需要用到 DBDA.php 连接数据库  最后输出民族下拉菜单

1, 0429test.php

$smarty->assign(); 负责分配变量    和    $smarty->display();负责显示


$smarty->assign("title","helloword");//注册字符串 $smarty->assign("test","thisfjasdjfajsdfjlasdjlfjlsdjfdsjlkfjskldj");//注册字符串
$smarty->assign("try1","this is a test");
$smarty->assign("money","美元"); $smarty->assign("bs",1); $r=new Ren();
$smarty->assign("ren",$r);//注册对象 调对象要用$ren->name include("DBDA.php");
$db=new DBDA();
$sql="select * from Nation";
$attrr=$db->Query($sql,1,"test2"); $smarty->assign("nation",$attrr); $smarty->display("0429test.html"); class Ren
public $name='张三';

2, 0429test.html   属性配置调用    调节器    foreach循环   if语句  保留函数  类中变量调用

 <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body> <{config_load file='fo.conf' section=bb}>
<div style="width:200px; height:200px; background-color:<{#bg#}>;font-size:<{#size#}>px">测试config</div> <{config_load file='fo.conf' section=aa}>
<div style="width:200px; height:200px; background-color:<{#bg#}>;font-size:<{#size#}>px">测试config</div>
<hr> <div style="width:200px; height:200px; background-color:<{$smarty.config.bg}>;font-size:<{#size#}>px">测试config</div> <h1>测试页面</h1>
<div><{$attr["c"]}></div> <div><{$attr.a}></div> <div><{$test|substr:10}></div>
<div><{$money|cat:"$"}></div> <select>
<{foreach $attr as $k=>$v}>
</select> <select>
<{foreach $attr as $k=>$v}>
</select> <select>
<{foreach $attr as $k=>$v}>
</select> <{foreach $attr as $k=>$v}>
<{if $v@first}>
<div style='width:40px; height:40px; background-color:yellow'><{$k}>=><{$v}></div>
<div style='width:40px; height:40px; background-color:red'><{$k}>=><{$v}></div>
<{/foreach}> <div><{$ren->name}></div>
<div><{$smarty.now|date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}></div> <{if $bs==1}>
<div>bs无</div> <{/if}> <select>
<{foreach $nation as $vv}>
<option value='<{$vv[0]}>'><{$vv[1]}></option>


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