作者: 负雪明烛
id: fuxuemingzhu
个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/

题目地址: https://leetcode.com/problems/special-binary-string/description/


Special binary strings are binary strings with the following two properties:

  • The number of 0’s is equal to the number of 1’s.
  • Every prefix of the binary string has at least as many 1’s as 0’s.

Given a special string S, a move consists of choosing two consecutive, non-empty, special substrings of S, and swapping them. (Two strings are consecutive if the last character of the first string is exactly one index before the first character of the second string.)

At the end of any number of moves, what is the lexicographically largest resulting string possible?

Example 1:

Input: S = "11011000"
Output: "11100100"
The strings "10" [occuring at S[1]] and "1100" [at S[3]] are swapped.
This is the lexicographically largest string possible after some number of swaps.


  1. S has length at most 50.
  2. S is guaranteed to be a special binary string as defined above.



  1. 字符串中0的个数等于1的个数
  2. 这个字符串中任何前缀中1的个数不少于0的个数




如果要想在一系列移动之后,得到最大的字符串,那么可以看出要求1尽量在前面,同时0尽量在后面。我们使用list保存那些符合要求的字符串,最后排序即可。一个符合要求的字符串其开头必须是1,末尾必须是0。同时我们意识到,符合要求的字符串的内部也要进行排序。比如子串1010,要给他排序成1100这个样子,注意中间的字符串01并不符合题目要求,给他重新排成10样式,使用递归结构。使用i保存上一次判断完成的字符串的结尾,用j遍历字符串。每次判断结束一个符合要求的子串之后,要令 i = j + 1。


class Solution(object):
def makeLargestSpecial(self, S):
:type S: str
:rtype: str
cnt = 0
res = list()
i= 0
for j, v in enumerate(S):
cnt += 1 if v == "1" else -1
if cnt == 0:
res.append("1" + self.makeLargestSpecial(S[i + 1:j]) + "0")
i = j + 1
return "".join(sorted(res, reverse=True))




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