VirtualBox version:
Host OS: Linux Mint 14 Xfce

Setup Network

  1. Add a virtual network in host: VirtualBox -> File -> Preferences -> Network

  2. Create a VM with the first NIC as Host-only(NIC1) and the second as NAT(NIC2);

When host connect to Internet, the guest can access internet via NIC2, while the host disconnect with internet, the host and guest still can ssh to each other with the NIC1 IP address.

  1. After installed all software on guest when host connected with internet, disconnect with internet and ssh to guest. Use the following console command to speedup.

Test shows that ssh to guest is very slow compared with startup GUI guest.

Manage VMs in Console

VM name is "Mint14Xfce" in this case.

List name of all VMs: VBoxManage list vms

List state of all VMs: VBoxManage list vms -l|grep State

Show current state of a VM: VBoxManage showvminfo Mint14Xfce|grep State

Startup VM without GUI: VBoxHeadless -s Mint14Xfce --vrde off

Show network type(only list first 3 NIC): VBoxManage showvminfo Mint14Xfce|grep 'NIC [123]'

Shutdown VM: VBoxManage controlvm Mint14Xfce poweroff

Ref: Networking in VirtualBox by Fat Bloke on Jun 08, 2012.

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