IAR EWAR 内联汇编 Error[Og010], Error [Og005], Error [Og006]
Error [Og005] + [Og006] when using inline assembler
EW targets: | 430, ARM, AVR |
EW component: | C/C++ compiler |
Last update: | April 3, 2013 |
When compiling a project with the IAR Embedded Workbench AVR v 6.12 the following errors might appear:
Error[Og005]: Unknown symbol in inline assembly:
Error[Og006]: Syntax error in inline assembly: "Error[54]: Expression can not be forward"
Labels must be referred in the same assembler statement as they are declared.
Use multiline inline assembler (with row breaks \n) to solve this.
asm( "st -Y, R20 \n"
"spmloop: \n"
"lN R20, 0x37 \n"
"SBRC R20, 0 \n"
"RJMP spmloop \n"
"OUT 0x37,R25 \n"
"SPM \n"
"LD R20,Y+ \n");
The behavior was not correct in earlier versions of the compiler platform.
The new release uses a new internal compiler platform which is a bit more strict.
For the 5.5x and later versions of their compiler, IAR changed the rules for inline assembly such that you can no longer do things like this:
asm("MOV R1, R2");
asm("JMP foobar");
You get an error message like
unknown symbol in inline assembly
The fix will be to tidy up the parts of the WISP firmware that have asm
statements referencing labels created in other asm
Where possible, collapse runs of asm
statements into one. The above would become:
// oh yeah, and use volatile
asm volatile ("foobar \n\t"
"MOV R1, R2 \n\t"
"JMP foobar");
I've tested a patch that is backward compatible with IAR 5.4x and will merge it shortly.
The patch for IAR 5.5x is ready; check out the iar550
I'm trying to get someone to test that branch against IAR 5.4x; then I'll merge the patch into master
I got an error with both the volatile keyword and the label using the kickstarter version of IAR (5.52).
This code compiles correctly,
"MOV R1, R2\n\t"
"JMP foobar"
Note the addition of the colon.
Volatile still causes an error.
Also not that if we wanted to have code before the label,
we would have to make sure the label is on the left margin:
"ADD R1, R2 \n"
"foobar: \n\t"
"MOV R1, R2 \n\t"
"JMP foobar"
or else IAR doesn't recognize it as a label.
Thanks for those extra details.
You are right that volatile is a no-no and
that labels need special formatting (left justification and trailing colon);
my original suggestion in the first comment was incorrect.
I am about to merge the iar550 branch into master;
it already incorporates these corrections.
“Inline assembler instruction does not have a unique size” ARM Thumb-2 IAR
I am having a problem with inline assembly with the IAR compiler for ARM, Cortex-M4.
Here is a simple example of my problem; put the following code in a file, say, named test.c
void irqrestore(int flags)
asm volatile(
"tst %0, #1\n"
"bne 1f\n"
"cpsie i\n"
: "r" (flags)
: "memory");
Now try compiling with IAR compiler:
$ iccarm --thumb test.c IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler V6.40.2./W32 for ARM
Copyright - IAR Systems AB. asm volatile(
"C:\home\NuttX\nuttx\test.c", Error[Og010]: Inline assembler instruction
does not have a unique size: " bne ?1_0" Errors:
Warnings: none
Any ideas what is going wrong?
If I change the "bne 1f\n" to "bne 1\n", it compiles fine, but I'm not sure if it is correct.
Answer: From IAR, I was told (and have confirmed) that the following is the correct syntax:
"bne.n 1f\n"
Or in context:
void irqrestore(int flags)
asm volatile(
"tst %0, #1\n"
"bne.n 1f\n"
"cpsie i\n"
: "r" (flags)
: "memory");
So, the IAR compiler's inline assembler is unable to determine the branch length.
gcc-4.8 handles this withgcc -mthumb -O3 -c foo.c -o foo.o
(and other options).
There is no need to specify the specific branch type.
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