Title: The Attention Merchants  (书评类文章)


  attention 注意力

  merchant 商人(零售商,强调通过贩卖物品获取利益)   businessman 商人(从事商业活动的人,而且通常指在公司中地位比较高的主管)

The history of the slow exploitation of our consciousness(大脑的意识) —— whether by television commercials(电视广告), war propaganda(战争宣传) or tweets  —— is the subject(主题) of Tim Wu's new book, "The Attention Merchants."

  exploitation  n. 剥削,压榨  (含有贬义的意思)  exploitation of sb/sth  对某一群人/某东西的剥削

   consciousness n.知觉; 觉悟; 意识,观念; 感觉;

  propaganda  n.宣传,宣传运动

  tweet n.推特

Mr. Wu's chapters about the early days of advertising are some of this book's most enjoyable. But it's the last third of "The Attention Merchants," in which Mr. Wu charts the rise and fall of the internet, that is truly memorable.

  chapter  n.章,章节

  chart v.记录;跟踪(变化或进展)  n.图表

  it's … that ……  强调句

  memorable adj.值得纪念的; 显著的,难忘的; 重大的,著名的;

  rise and fall (固定搭配) 起起落落

Mr. Wu is aware of the web's virtues, not least of which is that it connects us to others. But we pay a price for our e-mail and social media habits(用社交媒体的习惯). Google and Facebook keep track of our purchases(n.购买的东西) and wishes(愿望) and fears(恐惧) —— we've become their product, their content. And how connected are we, really, under the new terms and conditions(使用条款) of our lives?

  virtues  可以指人的美德;一样东西的优点 / 价值

  not least of which 重要的是;尤其是(强调)

  pay a price for 为…付出代价

  keep track of 追踪;记录

  terms and conditions 条款和条件

So in the final chapters of his book, Mr. Wu implores us to regain(收回,恢复) custody  of our attention. We are what we choose to focus on. What will we choose ? This is an age of glorious individualism. Yet never, it seems, have we belonged less to ourselves.(否定倒装,起强调作用)

  implore v.恳求;乞求  implore sb to do sht 恳求 / 乞求某人去做某事

  custody n.保管;监护  regain custody 重新收回我们对注意力的管理权

  glorious adj.光荣的  glory n.

  individualism n.个人主义

  yet we have never belonged less to ourselves

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