RFC 868 -- TIME Protocol
Errata Exist
Network Working Group J. Postel - ISI
Request for Comments: 868 K. Harrenstien - SRI
May 1983
Time Protocol
This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community. Hosts on
the ARPA Internet that choose to implement a Time Protocol are expected
to adopt and implement this standard. 这个RFC为ARPA互联网社区指定了一个标准. ARPA互联网上被选来实现Time协议的主机预期采取并实现这个标准 This protocol provides a site-independent, machine readable date and
time. The Time service sends back to the originating source the time in
seconds since midnight on January first 1900. 这个协议提供了一个地点无关, 机器可读的日期和时间. 这个时间服务返回源时间到1900一月一日午夜的秒数 One motivation arises from the fact that not all systems have a
date/time clock, and all are subject to occasional human or machine
error. The use of time-servers makes it possible to quickly confirm or
correct a system's idea of the time, by making a brief poll of several
independent sites on the network. 这个协议产生的动机是并非所有系统都有一个日期/时间时钟, 并且偶尔会受到人类或机器错误的影响.
通过对网络上地点无关的做一个简短的调查, 时间服务器的使用让快速确认时间并修正系统时间成为可能. This protocol may be used either above the Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) or above the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). 这个协议可以使用传输控制协议(TCP)或者用户数据报协议实现 When used via TCP the time service works as follows: 使用TCP协议, 时间服务的工作流程如下: S: Listen on port 37 (45 octal). S: 监听37号端口(八进制 45) U: Connect to port 37.
U: 连接37号端口 S: Send the time as a 32 bit binary number. S: 将时间作为32位二进制数发送 U: Receive the time. U: 收到时间 U: Close the connection. U: 关闭连接 S: Close the connection. S: 关闭连接 The server listens for a connection on port 37. When the connection
is established, the server returns a 32-bit time value and closes the
connection. If the server is unable to determine the time at its
site, it should either refuse the connection or close it without
sending anything.
服务器在端口37监听连接.当连接建立后, 服务器会返回一个32位时间值并关闭连接.
加入服务器无法确定他的地点的时间, 他应该拒绝这次连接或者不发送任何数据并关闭连接. Postel [Page 1]
RFC 868 May 1983
Time Protocol
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