The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.


Sometimes your choice and your luck may play a much more important role than your choice and your efforts.

Luck is certainly a deciding factor, but who knows how far we can push our luck, maybe the next time we would be not be favored by fortune, if so, what should we do.

Sometimes I really curse the Heaven why some can land on their feet but some have to struggle through their days, every day.

Maybe I am wrong, or I am not brave enough to accept the very truth that the world isn't fair really.

Such being the fact, but we can't give up struggling, if we do, there may be no chance for us to win a more equitable world for all of us.

Love truth, and pardon error.


From Voltaire.

But for your advice, I should have failed.

And I think it is better to love truth and revenge the wrongdoings.

Each should be given his deserts.

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