// free the contents of the list; erase the list

inline void ListDelete (list <void *> *pList)
if (pList)
list <void *>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pList->begin (); iNext != pList->end (); ++iNext)
free (*iNext); pList->erase (pList->begin (), pList->end ());
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the contents of a list; Erase the list
template <class T>
void ListDelete (list <T> *pList)
if (pList)
list <T>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pList->begin (); iNext != pList->end (); )
// prefetch next position incase object destructor modifies list
list <T>::iterator iThis = iNext++;
delete *iThis;
} pList->erase (pList->begin (), pList->end ());
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clear the contents of a list of pointers
template <class T>
void ListClear (list <T> *pList)
if (pList)
list <T>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pList->begin (); iNext != pList->end (); ++iNext)
*iNext = ;
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the contents of a map; Erase the map
template <class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void MapDelete (map <Key, Value, Compare> *pMap)
if (pMap)
map <Key, Value, Compare>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pMap->begin (); iNext != pMap->end (); ++iNext)
delete (*iNext).second; pMap->erase (pMap->begin (), pMap->end ());
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clears the contents of a map of pointers
// doesn't change the key values
template <class Key, class Value, class Compare>
void MapClear (map <Key, Value, Compare> *pMap)
if (pMap)
map <Key, Value, Compare>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pMap->begin (); iNext != pMap->end (); ++iNext)
(*iNext).second = ;
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the contents of a vector; Erase the vector
template <class Value>
void VectorDelete (vector <Value> *pvVector)
if (pvVector)
vector <Value>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pvVector->begin (); iNext != pvVector->end (); ++iNext)
delete *iNext; pvVector->erase (pvVector->begin (), pvVector->end ());
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete the contents of a set; Erase the set
template <class Key, class Compare>
void SetDelete (set <Key, Compare> *pSet)
if (pSet)
set <Key, Compare>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pSet->begin (); iNext != pSet->end (); ++iNext)
delete *iNext; pSet->erase (pSet->begin (), pSet->end ());
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clears the contents of a vector of pointers
template <class Value>
void VectorClear (vector <Value> *pvVector)
if (pvVector)
vector <Value>::iterator iNext; for (iNext = pvVector->begin (); iNext != pvVector->end (); ++iNext)
*iNext = ;
} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T>
class less_ptr : public binary_function<T, T, bool>
OS_STRUCT_CONSTRUCT (less_ptr) bool operator () (const T& x_, const T& y_) const
return * x_ < * y_;
}; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- template <class T>
class unary_predicate : public unary_function<T,bool>
public: unary_predicate(){}
virtual bool operator () ( T argument )
return false;


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  6. Docker容器数据卷(七)

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