----- 016-Math.html -----

 <!DOCTYPE html>
     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
 <script type="text/javascript">
     document.write("E= " + Math.E + "<br/>");
     document.write("PI= " + Math.PI + "<br/>");
     document.write("LN2= " + Math.LN2 + "<br/>");
     document.write("LN10= " + Math.LN10 + "<br/>");
     document.write("LOG2E= " + Math.LOG2E + "<br/>");
     document.write("LOG10E= " + Math.LOG10E + "<br/>");
     document.write("SQRT1_2= " + Math.SQRT1_2 + "<br/>");
     document.write("SQRT2= " + Math.SQRT2 + "<br/>");

     document.write("Math.floor(5.5)= " + Math.floor(5.5) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.round(5.5)= " + Math.round(5.5) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.ceil(5.5)= " + Math.ceil(5.5) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.abs(-5.555)= " + Math.abs(-5.555) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.exp(2)= " + Math.exp(2) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.max(5, 10)= " + Math.max(5, 10) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.pow(2, 10)= " + Math.pow(2, 10) + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.random()= " + Math.random() + "<br/>");
     document.write("Math.sqrt(2)= " + Math.sqrt(2) + "<br/>");

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