Apache Avalon has closed.

Apache Avalon began in 1999 as the Java Apache Server Framework and in late 2002 separated from the Apache Jakarta Project to become its own ASF top level project. Apache Avalon provided Java software for component and container programming and pioneered the use of design patterns such as Inversion of Control (IoC) and Separation of Concerns (SoC).

By 2004 Avalon had grown into several subprojects which have since separated into the following:

  • Excalibur: Apache Excalibur houses the Avalon 4.x framework, the Fortress IoC container, and several Avalon related components and utilities such as LogKit and the Cornerstone Component Collection.
  • Loom: Codehaus Loom continues development of a micro-kernel container after the design of Avalon Phoenix.
  • Metro: DPML's Metro project develops the next generation of the Merlin Service Platform using the Open Participation Software model.
  • Castle: an IoC Framework and Container for C# and the .NET platform. Based on the C# Avalon implementation.

While the following archived resources are still available, users and developers looking for Avalon software support should contact one of the above projects.

We thank all those who contributed to the Avalon project over the years.


The Avalon Project Management Committee, 2004


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