





CPU:Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.30 GHz

内存:4.00 GB

硬盘:ATA WDC WD5000AAKX-7 SCSI Disk Device


操作系统:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Ultimate 64bit zh-cn

Python解释器:3.7.5 64bit (provided by Anaconda)




CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4116 CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.10 GHz

内存:3.00 GB

硬盘:VMware Virtual disk SCSI Disk Service


操作系统:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Ultimate 64bit zh-cn (powered by VMware Horizon View Client)

Python解释器:3.7.3 64bit (provided by Anaconda)







  1. vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080)) # Return MP4 video object


  1. cap = cv2.VideoCapture('in.mp4')
  2. while cap.isOpened():
  3. ret, frame = cap.read() # frame return a numpy.ndarray object (WRITEABLE) with RGB of pixels
  4. if not ret: # Return True when read operation is successful
  5. break # Read operation fails and break
  6. cap.release()

3)视频帧写入[3] (PS:为什么Opencv官方教程中没有这个函数...)

  1. vw.write(frame)


  1. vw.release()

5)创建图片 ( matrix & pillow object )

  1. # Matrix
  2. arr = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # numpy中xy貌似是颠倒的,于是长1920宽1080的图像输出的shape应该是1080x1920,第三维度3表示图片通道为RGB
  3. # Return a numpy.ndarray object (WRITEABLE)
  4. # Pillow
  5. img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080)) # 这里的xy没有颠倒

6)图片读取(opencv & pillow)(使用新建的图片,满足上面的定义,大小33kb)

  1. # OpenCV
  2. arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg') # Notice that OpenCV don't support ALPHA channel
  3. # Pillow
  4. img = Image.open('in.jpg') # Return a PIL.Image.Image object


  1. arr1 = list(img.im) # Return a list
  2. arr2 = np.asarray(img) # Return a np.ndarray object (NOT WRITEABLE) (Shallow copy)
  3. arr3 = np.array(img) # Return a np.ndarray object (WRITEABLE) (Deep copy)

8)图片点操作(matrix & pillow object )

  1. # Matrix
  2. arr3[0][0] = (255, 255, 255)
  3. # Pillow
  4. img.putpixel((0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) # Putpixel
  5. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # ImageDraw.Point
  6. draw.point((0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
  7. # PS: OpenCV don't has a function that draw a pixel directly so we don't show the code here

9)图片其他绘图操作(matrix & pillow object & opencv )



  1. ### Line
  2. # Matrix
  3. for x in range(100, 500):
  4. arr3[100][x] = (255, 255, 255) # 注意到numpy的颠倒
  5. # Pillow
  6. draw.line((100, 100, 500, 100), (255, 255, 255))
  7. # OpenCV
  8. cv2.line(arr, (100, 100), (500, 100), (255, 255, 255), 1) # 最后的1表示线宽
  9. ### Rectangle
  10. # Matrix
  11. for x in range(100, 500):
  12. for y in range(100, 500):
  13. arr3[y][x] = (255, 255, 255)
  14. # Pillow
  15. draw.rectangle((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255))
  16. # OpenCV
  17. cv2.rectangle(arr, (100, 100), (500, 500), (255, 255, 255), -1)
  18. ### Circle
  19. # Pillow
  20. draw.arc((100, 100, 500, 500), 0, 360, (255, 255, 255)) # PIL.ImageDraw.Draw.arc
  21. # arc方法前一个四元元组表示圆弧的左上点右下点,这里表示半径200、中心(300, 300);后面两个整数表示度数(0-360表示整个圆)
  22. draw.ellipse((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255)) # PIL.ImageDraw.Draw.ellipse
  23. # ellipse方法同样表示两点
  24. # OpenCV
  25. cv2.circle(arr, (300, 300), 200, (255, 255, 255), -1) # cv2.circle
  26. # 与Pillow不同的是,这里读取的是中心点和半径,更符合正常的习惯;1表示线宽,如果是-1则是实心圆
  27. cv2.ellipse(arr, (300, 300), (200, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1) # cv2.ellipse
  28. # 这里第一个二元组是椭圆中心,第二个二元组分别表示半长轴长和半短轴长(注:中文文档漏掉了“半”字),后面三个参数分别表示椭圆本身逆时针旋转角(相当于坐标轴旋转)、起始角度和终止角度(0-360表示整个圆)
  29. ### Ellipse
  30. # Pillow
  31. draw.ellipse((100, 100, 700, 500), (255, 255, 255)) # 表示椭圆中心(400, 300),半长轴300,半短轴200
  32. # OpenCV
  33. cv2.ellipse(arr, (400, 300), (300, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1)
  34. ### Text
  35. # Pillow
  36. font = ImageFont.truetype('simkai.ttf', 32) # 楷体,字号32
  37. draw.text((100, 100), 'Hello, world!', (255, 255, 255), font) # 这里的坐标是左上角
  38. # OpenCV
  39. font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
  40. cv2.putText(arr, 'Hello, world!', (100, 200), font, 2, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) # 这里的坐标是左下角,1表示线宽(cv2不支持中文输出,故不测试中文)



11)写入图片( Pillow & OpenCV)

  1. # Pillow
  2. img.save('out.jpg')
  3. # OpenCV
  4. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr) # Read from cv2.imread
  5. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr2) # np.asarray
  6. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr3) # np.array




  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. import time
  4. import cv2
  5. from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
  6. import numpy as np
  8. # Class
  9. class FunctionTimer(object):
  10. MAX_WAIT_SEC = 0.5
  11. INF = 2147483647
  12. SMART_LOOP = -1
  14. def __init__(self, timer=None, count=None):
  15. self._timer = timer if timer != None else time.perf_counter
  16. self._count = count if count != None else 100
  18. def _get_single_time(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
  19. s = self._timer()
  20. ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  21. f = self._timer()
  22. return ret, f - s
  24. def _get_repeat_time(self, number, func, *args, **kwargs):
  25. time_min, time_max, time_sum = self.INF, 0, 0
  26. for i in range(number):
  27. ret, delta = self._get_single_time(func, *args, **kwargs)
  28. time_min = min(time_min, delta)
  29. time_max = max(time_max, delta)
  30. time_sum += delta
  31. return func, ret, number, time_sum / number, time_min, time_max, time_sum
  33. def gettime(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
  34. if self._count != self.SMART_LOOP:
  35. return self._get_repeat_time(self._count, func, *args, **kwargs)
  36. else:
  37. # Arrange loop count automatically
  38. # Refer to Lib/timeit.py
  39. i = 1
  40. while True:
  41. for j in 1, 2, 5:
  42. number = i * j
  43. func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum = self._get_repeat_time(number, func, *args, **kwargs)
  44. if time_sum >= self.MAX_WAIT_SEC:
  45. return func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum
  46. i *= 10
  48. def better_print(self, params):
  49. func, ret, count, ave, minn, maxn, sumn = params
  50. print('========================================')
  51. print(' Function name:')
  52. print(' ' + func.__repr__())
  53. print('========================================')
  54. print(' Function has the return content below:')
  55. print(' ' + ret.__name__)
  56. print('========================================')
  57. print(' Summary of Function Timer:')
  58. print(' Count of loops: {}'.format(count))
  59. print(' Average time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(ave))
  60. print(' Minimum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(minn))
  61. print(' Maximum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(maxn))
  62. print(' Total time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(sumn))
  63. print('========================================')
  65. # Function
  66. def testfunc(x=10000000):
  67. for i in range(x):
  68. pass
  69. return i
  71. # Main Function
  72. timer = FunctionTimer()


  1. In [168]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 10000))
  2. ========================================
  3. Function name:
  4. testfunc
  5. ========================================
  6. Function has the return content below:
  7. 9999
  8. ========================================
  9. Summary of Function Timer:
  10. Count of loops: 100
  11. Average time of loops: 0.00039519199983260476 (sec)
  12. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0002532999988034135 (sec)
  13. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0010392999993200647 (sec)
  14. Total time of loops: 0.03951919998326048 (sec)
  15. ========================================
  16. In [169]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 100000))
  17. ========================================
  18. Function name:
  19. testfunc
  20. ========================================
  21. Function has the return content below:
  22. 99999
  23. ========================================
  24. Summary of Function Timer:
  25. Count of loops: 100
  26. Average time of loops: 0.0029596240000137187 (sec)
  27. Minimum of every loop time: 0.002567899999121437 (sec)
  28. Maximum of every loop time: 0.006201700000019628 (sec)
  29. Total time of loops: 0.29596240000137186 (sec)
  30. ========================================
  31. In [170]: op.timer.better_print(op.timer.gettime(op.testfunc, 10))
  32. ========================================
  33. Function name:
  34. testfunc
  35. ========================================
  36. Function has the return content below:
  37. 9
  38. ========================================
  39. Summary of Function Timer:
  40. Count of loops: 100
  41. Average time of loops: 9.039999349624849e-07 (sec)
  42. Minimum of every loop time: 7.999988156370819e-07 (sec)
  43. Maximum of every loop time: 2.6999987312592566e-06 (sec)
  44. Total time of loops: 9.03999934962485e-05 (sec)
  45. ========================================


  1. # opencv_pil_time.py
  3. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  5. import time
  6. import cv2
  7. from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
  8. import numpy as np
  10. # Class
  11. class FunctionTimer(object):
  12. MAX_WAIT_SEC = 0.5
  13. INF = 2147483647
  14. SMART_LOOP = -1
  16. def __init__(self, timer=None, count=None):
  17. self._timer = timer if timer != None else time.perf_counter
  18. self._count = count if count != None else 100
  20. def _get_single_time(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
  21. s = self._timer()
  22. ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  23. f = self._timer()
  24. return ret, f - s
  26. def _get_repeat_time(self, number, func, *args, **kwargs):
  27. time_min, time_max, time_sum = self.INF, 0, 0
  28. for i in range(number):
  29. ret, delta = self._get_single_time(func, *args, **kwargs)
  30. time_min = min(time_min, delta)
  31. time_max = max(time_max, delta)
  32. time_sum += delta
  33. return func, ret, number, time_sum / number, time_min, time_max, time_sum
  35. def gettime(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
  36. if self._count != self.SMART_LOOP:
  37. return self._get_repeat_time(self._count, func, *args, **kwargs)
  38. else:
  39. # Arrange loop count automatically
  40. # Refer to Lib/timeit.py
  41. i = 1
  42. while True:
  43. for j in 1, 2, 5:
  44. number = i * j
  45. func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum = self._get_repeat_time(number, func, *args, **kwargs)
  46. if time_sum >= self.MAX_WAIT_SEC:
  47. return func, ret, number, time_ave, time_min, time_max, time_sum
  48. i *= 10
  50. def better_print(self, params):
  51. func, ret, count, ave, minn, maxn, sumn = params
  52. print('========================================')
  53. print(' Function name:')
  54. print(' ' + func.__name__)
  55. print('========================================')
  56. print(' Function has the return content below:')
  57. print(' ' + ret.__repr__())
  58. print('========================================')
  59. print(' Summary of Function Timer:')
  60. print(' Count of loops: {}'.format(count))
  61. print(' Average time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(ave))
  62. print(' Minimum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(minn))
  63. print(' Maximum of every loop time: {} (sec)'.format(maxn))
  64. print(' Total time of loops: {} (sec)'.format(sumn))
  65. print('========================================')
  67. # Function
  68. # Debug
  69. def testfunc(x=10000000):
  70. for i in range(x):
  71. pass
  72. return i
  74. # Test Function
  75. def task_1():
  76. vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080))
  78. def task_2():
  79. cap = cv2.VideoCapture('in.mp4')
  80. while cap.isOpened():
  81. ret, frame = cap.read()
  82. if not ret:
  83. break
  84. cap.release()
  86. def task_3(vw, frame): # Use a new blank video file when testing
  87. vw.write(frame)
  89. def task_4(vw):
  90. vw.release()
  92. def task_5_matrix():
  93. arr = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
  95. def task_5_pillow():
  96. img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080))
  98. def task_6_opencv():
  99. arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg')
  101. def task_6_pillow():
  102. img = Image.open('in.jpg')
  104. def task_7_list(img):
  105. arr1 = list(img.im)
  107. def task_7_asarray(img):
  108. arr2 = np.asarray(img)
  110. def task_7_array(img):
  111. arr3 = np.array(img)
  113. def task_8_matrix(arr3):
  114. arr3[0][0] = (255, 255, 255)
  116. def task_8_pillow_putpixel(img):
  117. img.putpixel((0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
  119. def task_8_pillow_point(draw):
  120. draw.point((0, 0), (255, 255, 255))
  122. def task_9_line_matrix(arr3):
  123. for x in range(100, 500):
  124. arr3[100][x] = (255, 255, 255)
  126. def task_9_line_pillow(draw):
  127. draw.line((100, 100, 500, 100), (255, 255, 255))
  129. def task_9_line_opencv(arr):
  130. cv2.line(arr, (100, 100), (500, 100), (255, 255, 255), 1)
  132. def task_9_rectangle_matrix(arr3):
  133. for x in range(100, 500):
  134. for y in range(100, 500):
  135. arr3[y][x] = (255, 255, 255)
  137. def task_9_rectangle_pillow(draw):
  138. draw.rectangle((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255))
  140. def task_9_rectangle_opencv(arr):
  141. cv2.rectangle(arr, (100, 100), (500, 500), (255, 255, 255), -1)
  143. def task_9_circle_pillow_arc(draw):
  144. draw.arc((100, 100, 500, 500), 0, 360, (255, 255, 255))
  146. def task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse(draw):
  147. draw.ellipse((100, 100, 500, 500), (255, 255, 255))
  149. def task_9_circle_opencv_circle(arr):
  150. cv2.circle(arr, (300, 300), 200, (255, 255, 255), -1)
  152. def task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse(arr):
  153. cv2.ellipse(arr, (300, 300), (200, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1)
  155. def task_9_ellipse_pillow(draw):
  156. draw.ellipse((100, 100, 700, 500), (255, 255, 255))
  158. def task_9_ellipse_opencv(arr):
  159. cv2.ellipse(arr, (400, 300), (300, 200), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), -1)
  161. def task_9_text_pillow(draw, font):
  162. draw.text((100, 100), 'Hello, world!', (255, 255, 255), font)
  164. def task_9_text_opencv(arr, font):
  165. cv2.putText(arr, 'Hello, world!', (100, 200), font, 2, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
  167. def task_10():
  168. pass
  170. def task_11_pillow(img):
  171. img.save('out.jpg')
  173. def task_11_opencv_imread(arr):
  174. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr)
  176. def task_11_opencv_asarray(arr2):
  177. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr2)
  179. def task_11_opencv_array(arr3):
  180. cv2.imwrite('out.jpg', arr3)
  182. # Main Function
  183. if __name__ == '__main__':
  184. timer = FunctionTimer()
  185. # timer.better_print(timer.gettime(func, *args, **kwargs))
  186. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_1))
  187. vw = cv2.VideoWriter('out.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), 60, (1920, 1080))
  188. # timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_2)) # task_2 takes up much time and we don't test it!
  189. frame = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
  190. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_3, vw, frame))
  191. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_4, vw))
  192. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_5_matrix))
  193. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_5_pillow))
  194. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_6_opencv))
  195. arr = cv2.imread('in.jpg')
  196. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_6_pillow))
  197. img = Image.new('RGB', (1920, 1080))
  198. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_list, img))
  199. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_asarray, img))
  200. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_7_array, img))
  201. arr2 = np.asarray(img)
  202. arr3 = np.array(img)
  203. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_matrix, arr3))
  204. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_pillow_putpixel, img))
  205. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
  206. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_8_pillow_point, draw))
  207. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_matrix, arr3))
  208. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_pillow, draw))
  209. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_line_opencv, arr))
  210. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_matrix, arr3))
  211. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_pillow, draw))
  212. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_rectangle_opencv, arr))
  213. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_pillow_arc, draw))
  214. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse, draw))
  215. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_opencv_circle, arr))
  216. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse, arr))
  217. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_ellipse_pillow, draw))
  218. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_ellipse_opencv, arr))
  219. font = ImageFont.truetype('simkai.ttf', 32)
  220. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_text_pillow, draw, font))
  221. font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
  222. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_9_text_opencv, arr, font))
  223. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_pillow, img))
  224. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_imread, arr))
  225. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_asarray, arr2))
  226. timer.better_print(timer.gettime(task_11_opencv_array, arr3))


















  1. In [10]: import time
  2. In [11]: s = time.perf_counter(); op.task_2(); f = time.perf_counter(); f - s
  3. Out[11]: 8.617467135000027
  4. In [12]: s = time.perf_counter(); op.task_2(); f = time.perf_counter(); f - s
  5. Out[12]: 8.663589091999995


  1. E:\test1
  2. $ python3 opencv_pil_time.py
  3. ========================================
  4. Function name:
  5. task_1
  6. ========================================
  7. Function has the return content below:
  8. None
  9. ========================================
  10. Summary of Function Timer:
  11. Count of loops: 100
  12. Average time of loops: 0.0016054189199999984 (sec)
  13. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0013979550000000063 (sec)
  14. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0057973939999999835 (sec)
  15. Total time of loops: 0.16054189199999985 (sec)
  16. ========================================
  17. ========================================
  18. Function name:
  19. task_3
  20. ========================================
  21. Function has the return content below:
  22. None
  23. ========================================
  24. Summary of Function Timer:
  25. Count of loops: 100
  26. Average time of loops: 0.013229802739999979 (sec)
  27. Minimum of every loop time: 0.01082132600000002 (sec)
  28. Maximum of every loop time: 0.018015121000000023 (sec)
  29. Total time of loops: 1.3229802739999978 (sec)
  30. ========================================
  31. ========================================
  32. Function name:
  33. task_4
  34. ========================================
  35. Function has the return content below:
  36. None
  37. ========================================
  38. Summary of Function Timer:
  39. Count of loops: 100
  40. Average time of loops: 2.1959869999998995e-05 (sec)
  41. Minimum of every loop time: 3.109999999750812e-07 (sec)
  42. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0021468490000000617 (sec)
  43. Total time of loops: 0.0021959869999998993 (sec)
  44. ========================================
  45. ========================================
  46. Function name:
  47. task_5_matrix
  48. ========================================
  49. Function has the return content below:
  50. None
  51. ========================================
  52. Summary of Function Timer:
  53. Count of loops: 100
  54. Average time of loops: 1.4977880000011101e-05 (sec)
  55. Minimum of every loop time: 1.0263000000065858e-05 (sec)
  56. Maximum of every loop time: 4.571699999988965e-05 (sec)
  57. Total time of loops: 0.0014977880000011101 (sec)
  58. ========================================
  59. ========================================
  60. Function name:
  61. task_5_pillow
  62. ========================================
  63. Function has the return content below:
  64. None
  65. ========================================
  66. Summary of Function Timer:
  67. Count of loops: 100
  68. Average time of loops: 0.0029445669399999997 (sec)
  69. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0026519169999998926 (sec)
  70. Maximum of every loop time: 0.00473345600000008 (sec)
  71. Total time of loops: 0.29445669399999996 (sec)
  72. ========================================
  73. ========================================
  74. Function name:
  75. task_6_opencv
  76. ========================================
  77. Function has the return content below:
  78. None
  79. ========================================
  80. Summary of Function Timer:
  81. Count of loops: 100
  82. Average time of loops: 0.02255292473999999 (sec)
  83. Minimum of every loop time: 0.021661312000000432 (sec)
  84. Maximum of every loop time: 0.032752587999999694 (sec)
  85. Total time of loops: 2.255292473999999 (sec)
  86. ========================================
  87. ========================================
  88. Function name:
  89. task_6_pillow
  90. ========================================
  91. Function has the return content below:
  92. None
  93. ========================================
  94. Summary of Function Timer:
  95. Count of loops: 100
  96. Average time of loops: 0.00025689415000005765 (sec)
  97. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0001309319999993619 (sec)
  98. Maximum of every loop time: 0.011476918999999697 (sec)
  99. Total time of loops: 0.025689415000005766 (sec)
  100. ========================================
  101. ========================================
  102. Function name:
  103. task_7_list
  104. ========================================
  105. Function has the return content below:
  106. None
  107. ========================================
  108. Summary of Function Timer:
  109. Count of loops: 100
  110. Average time of loops: 0.38457812533999997 (sec)
  111. Minimum of every loop time: 0.3564736689999961 (sec)
  112. Maximum of every loop time: 0.4698194010000005 (sec)
  113. Total time of loops: 38.457812534 (sec)
  114. ========================================
  115. ========================================
  116. Function name:
  117. task_7_asarray
  118. ========================================
  119. Function has the return content below:
  120. None
  121. ========================================
  122. Summary of Function Timer:
  123. Count of loops: 100
  124. Average time of loops: 0.007278045390000258 (sec)
  125. Minimum of every loop time: 0.007068772000003776 (sec)
  126. Maximum of every loop time: 0.007784698999998341 (sec)
  127. Total time of loops: 0.7278045390000258 (sec)
  128. ========================================
  129. ========================================
  130. Function name:
  131. task_7_array
  132. ========================================
  133. Function has the return content below:
  134. None
  135. ========================================
  136. Summary of Function Timer:
  137. Count of loops: 100
  138. Average time of loops: 0.010643305210000377 (sec)
  139. Minimum of every loop time: 0.009964515000000063 (sec)
  140. Maximum of every loop time: 0.011806892999999263 (sec)
  141. Total time of loops: 1.0643305210000378 (sec)
  142. ========================================
  143. ========================================
  144. Function name:
  145. task_8_matrix
  146. ========================================
  147. Function has the return content below:
  148. None
  149. ========================================
  150. Summary of Function Timer:
  151. Count of loops: 100
  152. Average time of loops: 2.8363499999528583e-06 (sec)
  153. Minimum of every loop time: 1.5549999972108708e-06 (sec)
  154. Maximum of every loop time: 4.1673999994884525e-05 (sec)
  155. Total time of loops: 0.00028363499999528585 (sec)
  156. ========================================
  157. ========================================
  158. Function name:
  159. task_8_pillow_putpixel
  160. ========================================
  161. Function has the return content below:
  162. None
  163. ========================================
  164. Summary of Function Timer:
  165. Count of loops: 100
  166. Average time of loops: 2.1925700001901305e-06 (sec)
  167. Minimum of every loop time: 1.2439999963476112e-06 (sec)
  168. Maximum of every loop time: 2.1769999996479328e-05 (sec)
  169. Total time of loops: 0.00021925700001901305 (sec)
  170. ========================================
  171. ========================================
  172. Function name:
  173. task_8_pillow_point
  174. ========================================
  175. Function has the return content below:
  176. None
  177. ========================================
  178. Summary of Function Timer:
  179. Count of loops: 100
  180. Average time of loops: 2.3574000000081697e-06 (sec)
  181. Minimum of every loop time: 1.5549999972108708e-06 (sec)
  182. Maximum of every loop time: 1.8971000002920846e-05 (sec)
  183. Total time of loops: 0.00023574000000081696 (sec)
  184. ========================================
  185. ========================================
  186. Function name:
  187. task_9_line_matrix
  188. ========================================
  189. Function has the return content below:
  190. None
  191. ========================================
  192. Summary of Function Timer:
  193. Count of loops: 100
  194. Average time of loops: 0.0004368183000000414 (sec)
  195. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0004301160000039772 (sec)
  196. Maximum of every loop time: 0.000561359000002426 (sec)
  197. Total time of loops: 0.04368183000000414 (sec)
  198. ========================================
  199. ========================================
  200. Function name:
  201. task_9_line_pillow
  202. ========================================
  203. Function has the return content below:
  204. None
  205. ========================================
  206. Summary of Function Timer:
  207. Count of loops: 100
  208. Average time of loops: 3.4956700000066122e-06 (sec)
  209. Minimum of every loop time: 2.4879999998006497e-06 (sec)
  210. Maximum of every loop time: 2.519200000250521e-05 (sec)
  211. Total time of loops: 0.0003495670000006612 (sec)
  212. ========================================
  213. ========================================
  214. Function name:
  215. task_9_line_opencv
  216. ========================================
  217. Function has the return content below:
  218. None
  219. ========================================
  220. Summary of Function Timer:
  221. Count of loops: 100
  222. Average time of loops: 3.5982899999709163e-06 (sec)
  223. Minimum of every loop time: 2.4879999998006497e-06 (sec)
  224. Maximum of every loop time: 4.727200000331777e-05 (sec)
  225. Total time of loops: 0.0003598289999970916 (sec)
  226. ========================================
  227. ========================================
  228. Function name:
  229. task_9_rectangle_matrix
  230. ========================================
  231. Function has the return content below:
  232. None
  233. ========================================
  234. Summary of Function Timer:
  235. Count of loops: 100
  236. Average time of loops: 0.1735227326999994 (sec)
  237. Minimum of every loop time: 0.17267937900000163 (sec)
  238. Maximum of every loop time: 0.19454626299999944 (sec)
  239. Total time of loops: 17.35227326999994 (sec)
  240. ========================================
  241. ========================================
  242. Function name:
  243. task_9_rectangle_pillow
  244. ========================================
  245. Function has the return content below:
  246. None
  247. ========================================
  248. Summary of Function Timer:
  249. Count of loops: 100
  250. Average time of loops: 3.0409819999803745e-05 (sec)
  251. Minimum of every loop time: 2.9545000003849964e-05 (sec)
  252. Maximum of every loop time: 7.153000000670318e-05 (sec)
  253. Total time of loops: 0.0030409819999803744 (sec)
  254. ========================================
  255. ========================================
  256. Function name:
  257. task_9_rectangle_opencv
  258. ========================================
  259. Function has the return content below:
  260. None
  261. ========================================
  262. Summary of Function Timer:
  263. Count of loops: 100
  264. Average time of loops: 6.522652000001016e-05 (sec)
  265. Minimum of every loop time: 6.25109999958795e-05 (sec)
  266. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0002674619999964989 (sec)
  267. Total time of loops: 0.006522652000001017 (sec)
  268. ========================================
  269. ========================================
  270. Function name:
  271. task_9_circle_pillow_arc
  272. ========================================
  273. Function has the return content below:
  274. None
  275. ========================================
  276. Summary of Function Timer:
  277. Count of loops: 100
  278. Average time of loops: 2.7626349999891885e-05 (sec)
  279. Minimum of every loop time: 2.6745999996080627e-05 (sec)
  280. Maximum of every loop time: 6.531100000017886e-05 (sec)
  281. Total time of loops: 0.0027626349999891886 (sec)
  282. ========================================
  283. ========================================
  284. Function name:
  285. task_9_circle_pillow_ellipse
  286. ========================================
  287. Function has the return content below:
  288. None
  289. ========================================
  290. Summary of Function Timer:
  291. Count of loops: 100
  292. Average time of loops: 0.0002000553400001337 (sec)
  293. Minimum of every loop time: 0.00019841900000017176 (sec)
  294. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0002512900000013474 (sec)
  295. Total time of loops: 0.02000553400001337 (sec)
  296. ========================================
  297. ========================================
  298. Function name:
  299. task_9_circle_opencv_circle
  300. ========================================
  301. Function has the return content below:
  302. None
  303. ========================================
  304. Summary of Function Timer:
  305. Count of loops: 100
  306. Average time of loops: 6.074186999960318e-05 (sec)
  307. Minimum of every loop time: 5.815699999800472e-05 (sec)
  308. Maximum of every loop time: 0.00016856299999545854 (sec)
  309. Total time of loops: 0.006074186999960318 (sec)
  310. ========================================
  311. ========================================
  312. Function name:
  313. task_9_circle_opencv_ellipse
  314. ========================================
  315. Function has the return content below:
  316. None
  317. ========================================
  318. Summary of Function Timer:
  319. Count of loops: 100
  320. Average time of loops: 6.716407000013192e-05 (sec)
  321. Minimum of every loop time: 6.593300000190538e-05 (sec)
  322. Maximum of every loop time: 0.00012471200000163662 (sec)
  323. Total time of loops: 0.0067164070000131915 (sec)
  324. ========================================
  325. ========================================
  326. Function name:
  327. task_9_ellipse_pillow
  328. ========================================
  329. Function has the return content below:
  330. None
  331. ========================================
  332. Summary of Function Timer:
  333. Count of loops: 100
  334. Average time of loops: 0.0002104615099997176 (sec)
  335. Minimum of every loop time: 0.00020619399999333154 (sec)
  336. Maximum of every loop time: 0.00040772399999866593 (sec)
  337. Total time of loops: 0.021046150999971758 (sec)
  338. ========================================
  339. ========================================
  340. Function name:
  341. task_9_ellipse_opencv
  342. ========================================
  343. Function has the return content below:
  344. None
  345. ========================================
  346. Summary of Function Timer:
  347. Count of loops: 100
  348. Average time of loops: 8.027900999998394e-05 (sec)
  349. Minimum of every loop time: 7.837199999727318e-05 (sec)
  350. Maximum of every loop time: 0.00020712799999955678 (sec)
  351. Total time of loops: 0.008027900999998394 (sec)
  352. ========================================
  353. ========================================
  354. Function name:
  355. task_9_text_pillow
  356. ========================================
  357. Function has the return content below:
  358. None
  359. ========================================
  360. Summary of Function Timer:
  361. Count of loops: 100
  362. Average time of loops: 0.0007998544599997359 (sec)
  363. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0007778169999994589 (sec)
  364. Maximum of every loop time: 0.0016240550000006237 (sec)
  365. Total time of loops: 0.07998544599997359 (sec)
  366. ========================================
  367. ========================================
  368. Function name:
  369. task_9_text_opencv
  370. ========================================
  371. Function has the return content below:
  372. None
  373. ========================================
  374. Summary of Function Timer:
  375. Count of loops: 100
  376. Average time of loops: 3.116865999970742e-05 (sec)
  377. Minimum of every loop time: 3.0166999998471056e-05 (sec)
  378. Maximum of every loop time: 9.610000000037644e-05 (sec)
  379. Total time of loops: 0.0031168659999707415 (sec)
  380. ========================================
  381. ========================================
  382. Function name:
  383. task_11_pillow
  384. ========================================
  385. Function has the return content below:
  386. None
  387. ========================================
  388. Summary of Function Timer:
  389. Count of loops: 100
  390. Average time of loops: 0.033835311859999495 (sec)
  391. Minimum of every loop time: 0.03373037900000497 (sec)
  392. Maximum of every loop time: 0.034273077999998236 (sec)
  393. Total time of loops: 3.3835311859999493 (sec)
  394. ========================================
  395. ========================================
  396. Function name:
  397. task_11_opencv_imread
  398. ========================================
  399. Function has the return content below:
  400. None
  401. ========================================
  402. Summary of Function Timer:
  403. Count of loops: 100
  404. Average time of loops: 0.028288081510000042 (sec)
  405. Minimum of every loop time: 0.028133581999995272 (sec)
  406. Maximum of every loop time: 0.02905974700000513 (sec)
  407. Total time of loops: 2.828808151000004 (sec)
  408. ========================================
  409. ========================================
  410. Function name:
  411. task_11_opencv_asarray
  412. ========================================
  413. Function has the return content below:
  414. None
  415. ========================================
  416. Summary of Function Timer:
  417. Count of loops: 100
  418. Average time of loops: 0.02815422919999975 (sec)
  419. Minimum of every loop time: 0.0279864769999989 (sec)
  420. Maximum of every loop time: 0.029095201000004067 (sec)
  421. Total time of loops: 2.8154229199999747 (sec)
  422. ========================================
  423. ========================================
  424. Function name:
  425. task_11_opencv_array
  426. ========================================
  427. Function has the return content below:
  428. None
  429. ========================================
  430. Summary of Function Timer:
  431. Count of loops: 100
  432. Average time of loops: 0.028195894160001414 (sec)
  433. Minimum of every loop time: 0.028047434000001203 (sec)
  434. Maximum of every loop time: 0.02866104100000655 (sec)
  435. Total time of loops: 2.8195894160001416 (sec)
  436. ========================================






3)数据结构转换中numpy比list快几乎是显然的hhh,其中asarray要比array略快一点,大概是因为array深复制而asarray浅复制;当然asarray的结果是not writable的,估计是因为image对象存储的数组本身就是只读的吧。如果只是为了读取图片方便塞视频里就用asarray。







这个项目我大概从一个月前就有想法了,最近一周一直在抽时间做,净时间估计都有十几个小时了。最后一天(11月16日)晚上我拖到12点,作业还没做完,困得要死,也就做了个大概--没有优化的部分,也没有表格,还因为事先没查好api返工了好几次。这件事让我深感个人的力量的薄弱 ,以及我自己水平的低下。






[1]Pillow (PIL Fork) 7.0.0.dev0 英文文档

[2]OpenCV Python Tutorials 翻译        OpenCV-Python Tutorials

[3]Python&OpenCV - 读写(read&write)视频(video) 详解 及 代码


[5]python opencv cv2.rectangle 参数含义


[7]Python 3.7 timeit

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