TensorFlow 官方文档 Programmer's Guide 中文翻译 —— 引言
TensorFlow Programmer's Guide (Introduction)
TensorFlow 编程手册 (引言)
The documents in this unit dive into the details of writing TensorFlow code. For TensorFlow 1.3, we revised this document extensively. The units are now as follows:
Estimators, which introduces a high-level TensorFlow API that greatly simplifies ML programming.
Tensors, which explains how to create, manipulate, and access Tensors--the fundamental object in TensorFlow.
tf.tensors, 解释了如何创建、操作、访问张量。张量也即TF最基本的对象。
Variables, which details how to represent shared, persistent state in your program.
Graphs and Sessions, which explains:
1. dataflow graphs, which are TensorFlow's representation of computations as dependencies between operations.
1. 数据流图,是TF对各种计算操作(也即各操作间的依赖关系)的表示。
2. sessions, which are TensorFlow's mechanism for running dataflow graphs across one or more local or remote devices. If you are programming with the low-level TensorFlow API, this unit is essential. If you are programming with a high-level TensorFlow API such as Estimators or Keras, the high-level API creates and manages graphs and sessions for you, but understanding graphs and sessions can still be helpful.
2. 会话,TF在一个或多个本地或远程机器上运行数据流图的机制。如果你在底层TF接口上进行编程,那么这个单元对你来说是基本的。如果你利用高层TF接口如Estimators或Keras进行编程,那么这些接口会为你创建和管理图与会话,但是理解这些仍然会对你很有帮助。
Saving and Restoring, which explains how to save and restore variables and models.
Input Pipelines, which explains how to set up data pipelines to read data sets into your TensorFlow program.
Embeddings, which introduces the concept of embeddings, provides a simple example of training an embedding in TensorFlow, and explains how to view embeddings with the TensorBoard Embedding Projector.
Debugging TensorFlow Programs, which explains how to use the TensorFlow debugger (tfdbg).
TensorFlow Version Compatibility, which explains backward compatibility guarantees and non-guarantees.
FAQ, which contains frequently asked questions about TensorFlow. (We have not revised this document for v1.3, except to remove some obsolete information.)
[1] TensorFlow Programmer's Guide. (https://www.tensorflow.org/programmers_guide/)
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