The interpolate function is used to get intensity of a point which is not on exactly a pixel.

The code is written in C++. Because it is template function, so they should be put in header file.

// Interpolates pixel intensity with subpixel accuracy.
// Abount bilinear interpolation in Wikipedia:
template <class T>
float interpolate(const Mat &mat, float x, float y)
// Get the nearest integer pixel coords (xi;yi).
int xi = cvFloor(x);
int yi = cvFloor(y); float k1 = x - xi; // Coefficients for interpolation formula.
float k2 = y - yi; bool b1 = xi < mat.cols - 1; // Check that pixels to the right
bool b2 = yi < mat.rows - 1; // and to down direction exist. float UL =<T>(Point(xi, yi));
float UR = b1 ?<T>( Point (xi + 1, yi ) ) : 0.f;
float LL = b2 ?<T>( Point ( xi, yi + 1) ) : 0.f;
float LR = b1 & b2 ? <T>( Point ( xi + 1, yi + 1 ) ) : 0.f; // Interpolate pixel intensity.
float interpolated_value = (1.0f - k1) * (1.0f - k2) * UL + k1 * (1.0f - k2) * UR +
(1.0f - k1) * k2 * LL + k1 * k2 * LR; return interpolated_value;
} //Get the intensity along an input line
template <class T>
int GetIntensityOnLine ( const Mat &mat, const Point &start, const Point &end, vector<float> &vecOutput )
if ( start.x >= mat.cols || start.y >= mat.rows )
return -1;
if ( end.x >= mat.cols || end.y >= mat.rows )
return -1; float fLineLen = (float)sqrt ( ( end.x - start.x ) * ( end.x - start.x ) + ( end.y - start.y ) * ( end.y - start.y ) );
if ( fLineLen < 1 )
return -1; float fCos = ( end.x - start.x ) / fLineLen;
float fSin = ( end.y - start.y ) / fLineLen; float fCurrentLen = 0.f;
while ( fCurrentLen < fLineLen ) {
float fX = start.x + fCos * fCurrentLen;
float fY = start.y + fSin * fCurrentLen;
float fIntensity = interpolate<T> ( mat, fX, fY );
vecOutput.push_back ( fIntensity ); ++ fCurrentLen;
} return 0;


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