Part I. Overview of Spring Framework

The Spring Framework is a lightweight(轻量级的) solution and a potential(有潜力的) one-stop-shop(一站式) for building your enterprise-ready(企业级) applications. However, Spring is modular(模块化的), allowing you to use only those parts that you need, without having to bring in the rest(其他). You can use the IoC container, with Struts on top, but you can also use only the Hibernate integration code or the JDBC abstraction layer. The Spring Framework supports declarative transaction management, remote access to your logic through RMI or web services, and various options for persisting your data. It offers a full-featured MVC framework, and enables you to integrate AOP transparently(显然的) into your software.

Spring is designed to be non-intrusive(非侵入式的), meaning that your domain logic code(领域逻辑代码) generally has no dependencies on the framework itself. In your integration layer (such as the data access layer), some dependencies on the data access technology and the Spring libraries will exist. However, it should be easy to isolate these dependencies from the rest of your code base.

This document is a reference guide to Spring Framework features. If you have any requests, comments, or questions on this document, please post them on the user mailing list or on the support forums at

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