for examples:
example 1:
- # Code based on Python 3.x
- # _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
- # __Author: "LEMON"
- import pandas as pd
- d = pd.date_range('', periods=7)
- aList = list(range(1,8))
- df = pd.DataFrame(aList, index=d, columns=[' '])
- = 'value'
- print('----------df.index---------')
- print(df.index)
- print('---------df.columns---------')
- print(df.columns)
- print('----------df.values---------')
- print(df.values)
- print('----------df.describe--------')
- print(df.describe)
- print('----------information details--------')
- print(df.head(2)) #获取开始的n条记录
- print(df.tail(3)) #后去最后的n条记录
- print(df[3:5]) # df[a:b],获取第a+1至第b-1的记录
- ----------df.index---------
- DatetimeIndex(['2017-01-01', '2017-01-02', '2017-01-03', '2017-01-04',
- '2017-01-05', '2017-01-06', '2017-01-07'],
- dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='value', freq='D')
- ---------df.columns---------
- Index([' '], dtype='object')
- ----------df.values---------
- [[1]
- [2]
- [3]
- [4]
- [5]
- [6]
- [7]]
- ----------df.describe--------
- <bound method NDFrame.describe of
- value
- 2017-01-01 1
- 2017-01-02 2
- 2017-01-03 3
- 2017-01-04 4
- 2017-01-05 5
- 2017-01-06 6
- 2017-01-07 7>
- ----------information details--------
- value
- 2017-01-01 1
- 2017-01-02 2
- value
- 2017-01-05 5
- 2017-01-06 6
- 2017-01-07 7
- value
- 2017-01-04 4
- 2017-01-05 5
example 2:
- # Code based on Python 3.x
- # _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
- # __Author: "LEMON"
- from pandas import Series, DataFrame
- import pandas as pd
- data = {'state': ['Ohino', 'Ohino', 'Ohino', 'Nevada', 'Nevada'],
- 'year': [2000, 2001, 2002, 2001, 2002],
- 'pop': [1.5, 1.7, 3.6, 2.4, 2.9]}
- df = DataFrame(data, index=list(range(1, 6)),
- columns=['year', 'state', 'pop', 'name'])
- print(df)
- print('\n', '---------------')
- print(list(df.ix[3]))
- print('\n', '---------------')
- print(list(df['year']))
- aList = ['', '', '', '']
- bList = ['aa', 'bb', 'cb', 'dd']
- cList = ['lemon', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana']
- d = {'num': aList, 'char': bList, 'fruit': cList}
- df1 = DataFrame(d, index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
- # df2 = DataFrame(bList)
- print('\n', '---------------')
- print(df1)
- #print(df1.num)
- print('\n', '---------------')
- print(df1.ix['b']) # 获取索引号为 'b' 的行的数据
- print('\n', '---------------')
- print(df1.ix[:2, 1:3]) # 以切片形式获取部分数据
- year state pop name
- 1 2000 Ohino 1.5 NaN
- 2 2001 Ohino 1.7 NaN
- 3 2002 Ohino 3.6 NaN
- 4 2001 Nevada 2.4 NaN
- 5 2002 Nevada 2.9 NaN
- ---------------
- [2002, 'Ohino', 3.6000000000000001, nan]
- ---------------
- [2000, 2001, 2002, 2001, 2002]
- ---------------
- char fruit num
- a aa lemon 1
- b bb apple 2
- c cb orange 3
- d dd banana 4
- ---------------
- char bb
- fruit apple
- num 2
- Name: b, dtype: object
- ---------------
- fruit num
- a lemon 1
- b apple 2
example 3 (数据选择-DateFrame.loc()和DateFrame.iloc()) :
- # Code based on Python 3.x
- # _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
- # __Author: "LEMON"
- from import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl
- from datetime import date
- import pandas as pd
- today =
- start =(today.year-4, today.month+11,
- end = (today.year-4, today.month+11,
- quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('AMX', start, end)
- # each items in quotes is type of "tuple"
- fields = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
- quotes1 = []
- for t in quotes:
- t1 = list(t)
- quotes1.append(t1)
- # each items in quotes1 is type of "list"
- for i in range(0, len(quotes1)):
- quotes1[i][0] = date.fromordinal(int(quotes1[i][0]))
- # date format is changed
- df = pd.DataFrame(quotes1, index=range(1, len(quotes1)+1), columns=fields)
- # df = pd.DataFrame(quotes1, index=['a','b','c','d','e'], columns=fields)
- # df = df.drop(['date'], axis=1)
- print(df)
- print(df['close'].mean()) #计算某列的mean值
- # print(dict(df.mean())['close']) #计算某列的mean值
- print(df.sort_values(['open'],ascending = True)) #进行排序,默认(True)是升序
- print(df[>=21].date)
- # index是整数
- print(df.loc[2:5, 'date':'close'])
- print(df.loc[[2,5],['open','close']])
- # loc方法在行和列的选择上是标签形式,可以是连续的选择,或者单个行或列的选择
- print(df.iloc[1:6,0:4]) #iloc方法以切片形式选取数据
- # index是标签形式
- # print(df.loc['a':'d', 'date':'close'])
- # print(df.loc[['b','e'],['open','close']])
- # loc方法在行和列的选择上是标签形式,可以是连续的选择,或者单个行或列的选择
- # 根据判断条件来选择数据
- print(df[(df.index>=4) & (>=21)])
- # DateFrame 的均值
- print(df.mean()) # 默认计算每列的均值
- print(df.mean(axis=1)) # axis=1是计算每行的均值
- '''
- # 获取多只股票的信息
- d1 = (today.year-1, today.month+11,
- aList = ['BABA', 'KO', 'AMX'] # List of the stock code of companys
- for i in aList:
- q1 = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl(i, d1, today)
- df1 = pd.DataFrame(q1)
- print(df1)
- '''
- date open close high low volume
- 1 2013-12-03 20.999551 21.156955 21.184731 20.795851 5152600.0
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738 21.064364 20.703261 5174400.0
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857 21.231027 20.379193 7225600.0
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841 20.536598 9989500.0
- 20.80974025
- 20.80974025
- date open close high low volume
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857 21.231027 20.379193 7225600.0
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738 21.064364 20.703261 5174400.0
- 1 2013-12-03 20.999551 21.156955 21.184731 20.795851 5152600.0
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841 20.536598 9989500.0
- 4 2013-12-06
- Name: date, dtype: object
- runfile('E:/Python/Anaco/', wdir='E:/Python/Anaco')
- date open close high low volume
- 1 2013-12-03 20.999551 21.156955 21.184731 20.795851 5152600.0
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738 21.064364 20.703261 5174400.0
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857 21.231027 20.379193 7225600.0
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841 20.536598 9989500.0
- 20.80974025
- date open close high low volume
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857 21.231027 20.379193 7225600.0
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738 21.064364 20.703261 5174400.0
- 1 2013-12-03 20.999551 21.156955 21.184731 20.795851 5152600.0
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841 20.536598 9989500.0
- 4 2013-12-06
- Name: date, dtype: object
- date open close
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411
- open close
- 2 20.971773 20.934738
- 5 NaN NaN
- date open close high
- 2 2013-12-04 20.971773 20.934738 21.064364
- 3 2013-12-05 20.518079 20.545857 21.231027
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841
- date open close high low volume
- 4 2013-12-06 21.166215 20.601411 21.295841 20.536598 9989500.0
- open 2.091390e+01
- close 2.080974e+01
- high 2.119399e+01
- low 2.060373e+01
- volume 6.885525e+06
- dtype: float64
- 1 1.030537e+06
- 2 1.034897e+06
- 3 1.445137e+06
- 4 1.997917e+06
- dtype: float64
examples 4: 求微软公司(MSFT)2015年每月股票收盘价的平均值。
- # Code based on Python 3.x
- # _*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
- # __Author: "LEMON"
- # 求微软公司(MSFT)2015年每月股票收盘价的平均值。
- #Method 1 (update)
- from import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl
- from datetime import date
- import pandas as pd
- from datetime import datetime
- today =
- fields = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
- start = (today.year - 3, today.month,
- end = today
- quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('MSFT', start, end)
- # each items in quotes is type of "tuple"
- df = pd.DataFrame(quotes, index=range(1, len(quotes) + 1), columns=fields)
- list =
- list1 = []
- for x in list:
- x = date.fromordinal(int(x))
- y = date.strftime(x, '%Y/%m')
- list1.append(y)
- # print(list1)
- df1 = df.set_index([list1]).drop('date',axis=1)
- # 把日期设置成索引,并删除“date”列
- df2 = df1['2015/01':'2015/12'] #选取2015年的数据
- print(df2.groupby(df2.index).close.mean())
- # 将数据按index进行聚类分析,并计算收盘价“close”的均值
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- # #Method 1 (old)
- #
- # from import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl
- # from datetime import date
- # import pandas as pd
- # from datetime import datetime
- #
- #
- # today =
- # fields = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume']
- #
- # start2 = (today.year - 3, today.month,
- # end2 = today
- # quotes2 = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('MSFT', start2, end2)
- # # each items in quotes is type of "tuple"
- #
- # quotes3 = []
- # for t in quotes2:
- # t1 = list(t)
- # quotes3.append(t1)
- # # each items in quotes1 is type of "list"
- #
- # for i in range(0, len(quotes3)):
- # quotes3[i][0] = date.fromordinal(int(quotes3[i][0]))
- # # date format is changed
- #
- # df2 = pd.DataFrame(quotes3, index=range(1, len(quotes3) + 1), columns=fields)
- #
- # df2['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df2['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d') # 转化成pandas的日期格式
- # # print(df2)
- #
- # start2015 = datetime(2015,1,1)
- # end2015 = datetime(2015,12,31)
- # # start2015 = datetime.strptime('2015-1-1', '%Y-%m-%d')
- # # # 将'2015-1-1'字符串设置为时间格式
- # # end2015 = datetime.strptime('2015-12-31', '%Y-%m-%d')
- # # # 将'2015-12-31'字符串设置为时间格式
- #
- # df1 = df2[(start2015 <= & ( <= end2015)]
- # # 通过时间条件来选择2015年的记录
- #
- # permonth1 ='M') #data per month
- # g_month1 = df1.groupby(permonth1)
- # g_closequotes = g_month1['close']
- #
- # s_month = g_closequotes.mean() # s_month is Series class
- # = 'date_index'
- #
- # print(s_month)
- # -----------------------------------------------------
- # =================================================================
- # Method 2
- # from import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl
- # from datetime import date
- #
- # import pandas as pd
- # today =
- # start = (today.year-3, today.month,
- # quotesMS = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('MSFT', start, today)
- # attributes=['date','open','close','high','low','volume']
- # quotesdfMS = pd.DataFrame(quotesMS, columns= attributes)
- #
- #
- #
- # list = []
- # for i in range(0, len(quotesMS)):
- # x = date.fromordinal(int(quotesMS[i][0]))
- # y = date.strftime(x, '%y/%m/%d')
- # list.append(y)
- # quotesdfMS.index = list
- # quotesdfMS = quotesdfMS.drop(['date'], axis = 1)
- # list = []
- # quotesdfMS15 = quotesdfMS['15/01/01':'15/12/31']
- #
- # print(quotesdfMS15)
- #
- # for i in range(0, len(quotesdfMS15)):
- # list.append(int(quotesdfMS15.index[i][3:5])) #get month just like '02'
- # quotesdfMS15['month'] = list
- # print(quotesdfMS15.groupby('month').mean().close)
- # =================================================================
- 2015/01 43.124433
- 2015/02 40.956772
- 2015/03 40.203918
- 2015/04 41.477685
- 2015/05 45.472291
- 2015/06 44.145879
- 2015/07 43.807541
- 2015/08 43.838895
- 2015/09 42.114155
- 2015/10 47.082882
- 2015/11 52.252878
- 2015/12 53.916431
- Name: close, dtype: float64
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