class Solution {
vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(string s)
return insertDot(s, 0, 3);
} vector<string> insertDot(string s, int beginIndex, int countOfDot /*3, 2, 1, 0*/)
vector<string> result;
if( (s.size() - beginIndex) < (countOfDot + 1) || (s.size() - beginIndex - 1) > (countOfDot +1) * 3)
return result; if(countOfDot == 0)
string partition = s.substr(beginIndex);
if(partition.size() > 1 && partition[0] == '0') //Error 4: if the first char is 0, then no more chars, such as is no valid;
return result;
int val = std::stoi(partition);
if(val >= 0 && val <256)
return result;
} for(int i = beginIndex + 1; i< s.size();i++ ) //Error 1: i< s.size() -1
string partition = s.substr(beginIndex, i - beginIndex);
if(partition.size() > 1 && partition[0] == '0') //Error 3: if the first char is 0, then no more chars, such as is no valid;
int val = std::stoi(partition);
if(val > 255)
if(val >= 0 && val <256)
vector<string> subresult = insertDot(s, i, countOfDot - 1);
if(subresult.size() != 0)
for(int j = 0; j< subresult.size(); j++) //Error 2: j< s.size() -1
string onepartition = partition + "." + subresult[j];
return result;

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