Chapter 1: What is Scope?


One of the most fundamental paradigms of nearly all programming languages is the ability to store values in variables, and later retrieve or modify those values. In fact, the ability to store values and pull values out of variables is what gives a program state.


Without such a concept, a program could perform some tasks, but they would be extremely limited and not terribly interesting.


But the inclusion of variables into our program begets the most interesting questions we will now address: where do those variables live? In other words, where are they stored? And, most importantly, how does our program find them when it needs them?


These questions speak to the need for a well-defined set of rules for storing variables in some location, and for finding those variables at a later time. We'll call that set of rules: Scope.


But, where and how do these Scope rules get set?


Compiler Theory


It may be self-evident, or it may be surprising, depending on your level of interaction with various languages, but despite the fact that JavaScript falls under the general category of "dynamic" or "interpreted" languages, it is in fact a compiled language. It is not compiled well in advance, as are many traditionally-compiled languages, nor are the results of compilation portable among various distributed systems.


But, nevertheless, the JavaScript engine performs many of the same steps, albeit in more sophisticated ways than we may commonly be aware, of any traditional language-compiler.


In traditional compiled-language process, a chunk of source code, your program, will undergo typically three steps before it is executed, roughly called "compilation":


  1. Tokenizing/Lexing: breaking up a string of characters into meaningful (to the language) chunks, called tokens. For instance, consider the program: var a = 2;. This program would likely be broken up into the following tokens: var, a, =, 2, and ;. Whitespace may or may not be persisted as a token, depending on whether it's meaningful or not.

    Note: The difference between tokenizing and lexing is subtle and academic, but it centers on whether or not these tokens are identified in a stateless or stateful way. Put simply, if the tokenizer were to invoke stateful parsing rules to figure out whether a should be considered a distinct token or just part of another token, that would be lexing.

1.分词/词法分析:分词指将一段字符串破成有意义的(相对于这门语言)小块。比如,考虑这段代码:var a=2;这条程序可能会被破成下面的部分:var , a, =,2,还有;  空白可能成为分词小块也可能不会,这得取决于它是否有含义。

注:分词和词法分析之间的区别既微妙又学术,但关键在于这些小块被明确为有状态的还是无状态的。简单点儿说,如果分词块儿调用的是有状态的词法分析规则,来区分a应该作为一个单独的词法块儿还是仅仅是另外一块词法块儿的一部分,那么这个过程就称作词法分析。(我的理解就是 把字符串分为有意义的tokens这是分词,确定每一小块代码段是应该独立还是应该和另外一块合并成一个token,这是词法分析)。

2.Parsing: taking a stream (array) of tokens and turning it into a tree of nested elements, which collectively represent the grammatical structure of the program. This tree is called an "AST" (Abstract Syntax Tree).

The tree for var a = 2; might start with a top-level node called VariableDeclaration, with a child node called Identifier (whose value is a), and another child called AssignmentExpression which itself has a child called NumericLiteral (whose value is 2).

2.解析:取一段分词过的代码流,然后把它变成一个代表了程序语法结构的嵌套元素树,这个树的名字叫AST(Abstract Syntax Tree).

在这个树状结构的解析中,对于var a=2;可能从最高层——变量声明(VariableDeclaration)开始,然后是它的子节点——标识符(Identifier)(它的值是a),已经另外一个子节点AssignmentExpression的子节点叫NumericLiteral(它的值是2)。

3.Code-Generation: the process of taking an AST and turning it into executable code. This part varies greatly depending on the language, the platform it's targeting, etc.

So, rather than get mired in details, we'll just handwave and say that there's a way to take our above described AST for var a = 2; and turn it into a set of machine instructions to actually create a variable called a (including reserving memory, etc.), and then store a value into a.

Note: The details of how the engine manages system resources are deeper than we will dig, so we'll just take it for granted that the engine is able to create and store variables as needed.


所以为了避免在细节里太纠结,我们就直接说上述的AST处理了我们的var a = 2;并且把它变成了一行机器指令——这行指令创造出一个变量a,并且存了一个值进去。


The JavaScript engine is vastly more complex than just those three steps, as are most other language compilers. For instance, in the process of parsing and code-generation, there are certainly steps to optimize the performance of the execution, including collapsing redundant elements, etc.


So, I'm painting only with broad strokes here. But I think you'll see shortly why these details we do cover, even at a high level, are relevant.


For one thing, JavaScript engines don't get the luxury (like other language compilers) of having plenty of time to optimize, because JavaScript compilation doesn't happen in a build step ahead of time, as with other languages.


For JavaScript, the compilation that occurs happens, in many cases, mere microseconds (or less!) before the code is executed. To ensure the fastest performance, JS engines use all kinds of tricks (like JITs, which lazy compile and even hot re-compile, etc.) which are well beyond the "scope" of our discussion here.


Let's just say, for simplicity's sake, that any snippet of JavaScript has to be compiled before (usually right before!) it's executed. So, the JS compiler will take the program var a = 2; and compile it first, and then be ready to execute it, usually right away.

我们就这么说吧,为了简单起见,任何js代码都会在执行前被编译,所以,js编译器会拿走程序var a = 2,然后先编译它,然后准备去执行它。

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