review again and again
Blind evaluation results came out. But it doesn't make much difference to me. I am not from A to Z nervous, nature also won't have the feeling of relief.
Yesterday said things should be prepared in advance. In the morning, to the teaching and research room very early, review, found in the paper a small problem on the directory, after solving, began to write. Because everyone waiting for the blind results of the anxious mood, can not let me calm. Afternoon, in a free check site on the introduction of the review, I thought the last revision has been very close to the final version, and now it seems, there are still many places to change, review is indeed useful, writing is also. In the afternoon, they began to modify papers according to the report. I think writing papers, the language inside are based on their own understanding of the summary of the words, which is based on in-depth study of their own cognitive. Although I still prefer to copy the existing answer, perhaps subconsciously think others are right. I have been learning, learning the experience of others, not their own independent problem-solving habits. Write their own things, always feel there is no light, no confidence. Now it seems that writing again is not practical, constantly cognitive, continuous review, this is a process of approaching truth, but never stop. According to this logic, copying others is very irresponsible. This is not my point of view, I did not say so, wrong also has nothing to do with me.
Collected a lot of papers, a lot of information, but do not organize, do not think, do not find the problem solving, not accumulation, and can not really harvest, not really owned. In the evening, to run, feel good. Like writing something, writing something every day, it feels good!
Today I has received Shidishimei to eat, I think reciprocity is a good way to communicate!
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