最近在做大数据方面的开发, 学习研究了一段时间的kylin系统, 对于前端开发需要使用 RESTful API ,但是官网并没有提供详细的Java  API. 经过几天的看文档,最终写出了 Java 的API,不敢私藏,特分享与大家.

 import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; /**
* @author HennSun
* www.shareideas.net
* @Reference
* http://kylin.apache.org/docs15/howto/howto_use_restapi.html#authentication
public class KylinHttpBasic { private static String encoding;
private static final String baseURL = "";
public static String login(String user,String passwd){
String method = "POST";
String para = "/user/authentication";
byte[] key = (user+":"+passwd).getBytes();
encoding = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(key);
return excute(para,method,null);
} public static String listQueryableTables(String projectName){ String method = "GET";
String para = "/tables_and_columns?project="+projectName; return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param offset required int Offset used by pagination
* @param limit required int Cubes per page.
* @param cubeName optional string Keyword for cube names. To find cubes whose name contains this keyword.
* @param projectName optional string Project name.
* @return
public static String listCubes(int offset,
int limit,
String cubeName,
String projectName ){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/cubes?offset="+offset
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param cubeName Cube name.
* @return
public static String getCubeDes(String cubeName){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/cube_desc/"+cubeName;
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param cubeName
* @return
public static String getCube(String cubeName){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName;
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param modelName Data model name, by default it should be the same with cube name.
* @return
public static String getDataModel(String modelName){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/model/"+modelName;
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param cubeName cubeName Cube name.
* @return
public static String enableCube(String cubeName){ String method = "PUT";
String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/enable";
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param cubeName Cube name.
* @return
public static String disableCube(String cubeName){ String method = "PUT";
String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/disable";
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param cubeName Cube name.
* @return
public static String purgeCube(String cubeName){ String method = "PUT";
String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/purge";
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param jobId Job id
* @return
public static String resumeJob(String jobId){ String method = "PUT";
String para = "/jobs/"+jobId+"/resume";
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* startTime - required long Start timestamp of data to build, e.g. 1388563200000 for 2014-1-1
* endTime - required long End timestamp of data to build
* buildType - required string Supported build type: ‘BUILD’, ‘MERGE’, ‘REFRESH’
* @param cubeName Cube name.
* @return
public static String buildCube(String cubeName,String body){
String method = "PUT";
String para = "/cubes/"+cubeName+"/rebuild"; return excute(para,method,body);
} /**
* @param jobId Job id.
* @return
public static String discardJob(String jobId){ String method = "PUT";
String para = "/jobs/"+jobId+"/cancel";
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param jobId Job id.
* @return
public static String getJobStatus(String jobId){ String method = "GET";
String para = "/jobs/"+jobId;
return excute(para,method,null); } /**
* @param jobId Job id.
* @param stepId Step id; the step id is composed by jobId with step sequence id;
* for example, the jobId is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110”, its 3rd step id
* is “fb479e54-837f-49a2-b457-651fc50be110-3”,
* @return
public static String getJobStepOutput(String jobId,String stepId){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/"+jobId+"/steps/"+stepId+"/output";
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param tableName table name to find.
* @return
public static String getHiveTable(String tableName){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/tables/"+tableName;
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param tableName table name to find.
* @return
public static String getHiveTableInfo(String tableName){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/tables/"+tableName+"/exd-map";
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param projectName will list all tables in the project.
* @param extOptional boolean set true to get extend info of table.
* @return
public static String getHiveTables(String projectName,boolean extOptional){
String method = "GET";
String para = "/tables?project="+projectName+"&ext="+extOptional;
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param tables table names you want to load from hive, separated with comma.
* @param project the project which the tables will be loaded into.
* @return
public static String loadHiveTables(String tables,String project){
String method = "POST";
String para = "/tables/"+tables+"/"+project;
return excute(para,method,null);
} /**
* @param type ‘METADATA’ or ‘CUBE’
* @param name Cache key, e.g the cube name.
* @param action ‘create’, ‘update’ or ‘drop’
* @return
public static String wipeCache(String type,String name,String action){
String method = "POST";
String para = "/cache/"+type+"/"+name+"/"+action;
return excute(para,method,null);
} public static String query(String body){
String method = "POST";
String para = "/query"; return excute(para,method,body);
} private static String excute(String para,String method,String body){ StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
try {
URL url = new URL(baseURL+para);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoding);
if(body !=null){
byte[] outputInBytes = body.getBytes("UTF-8");
OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
connection.disconnect(); } catch(Exception e) {
return out.toString();



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