
ASP.NET Boilerplate provides an infrastructure to build modules and compose them to create an application. A module can depend on another module. Generally, an assembly is considered as a module. If you created an application with more than one assembly, it's suggested to create a module definition for each assembly.

Module system is currently focused on server side rather than client side.



Module Definition

A module is defined with a class that is derived from AbpModule. Say that we're developing a Blog module that can be used in different applications. Simplest module definition can be as shown below:


public class MyBlogApplicationModule : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()

Module definition class is responsible to register it's classes to dependency injection (can be done conventionally as shown above) if needed. It can configure application and other modules, add new features to the application and so on...


Lifecycle Methods

ASP.NET Boilerplate calls some specific methods of modules on application startup and shutdown. You can override these methods to perform some specific tasks.

ASP.NET Boilerplate calls these methods ordered by dependecies. If module A depends on module B, module B is initialized before module A. Exact order of startup methods: PreInitialize-B, PreInitialize-A, Initialize-B, Initialize-A, PostInitialize-B and PostInitialize-A. This is true for all dependency graph. Shutdown method is also similar but in reverse order.




This method is called first when application starts. It's usual method to configure the framework and other modules before they initialize.

Also, you can write some specific code here to run before dependency injection registrations. For example, if you create a conventional registration class, you should register it here using IocManager.AddConventionalRegisterer method.




It's the usual place where dependency injection registration should be done. It's generally done using IocManager.RegisterAssemblyByConvention method. If you want to define custom dependency registration, see dependency injection documentation.



This method is called lastly in startup progress. It's safe to resolve a dependency here.



This method is called when the application shuts down.

Module Dependencies

A module can be dependent to another. It's required to explicitly declare dependencies using DependsOn attribute like below:


public class MyBlogApplicationModule : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()

Thus, we declare to ASP.NET Boilerplate that MyBlogApplicationModule depends on MyBlogCoreModule and the MyBlogCoreModule should be initialized before the MyBlogApplicationModule.

ABP can resolve dependencies recursively beginning from the startup module and initialize them accordingly. Startup module initialized as the last module.

因此,我们宣布ASP.NET的样板,MyBlogApplicationModule取决于myblogcoremodule ,MyBlogCoreModule应该在MyBlogApplicationModule之前的初始化。


PlugIn Modules(插件模块)

While modules are investigated beginning from startup module and going to dependencies, ABP can also load modules dynamically. AbpBootstrapper class defines PlugInSources property which can be used to add sources to dynamically load plugin modules. A plugin source can be any class implements IPlugInSource interface. PlugInFolderSource class implements it to get plugin modules from assemblies located in a folder.



ABP ASP.NET Core module defines options in AddAbp extension method to add plugin sources in Startup class:

services.AddAbp<MyStartupModule>(options =>
options.PlugInSources.Add(new FolderPlugInSource(@"C:\MyPlugIns"));

We could use AddFolder extension method for a simpler syntax:

services.AddAbp<MyStartupModule>(options =>

See ASP.NET Core document for more on Startup class.


For classic ASP.NET MVC applications, we can add plugin folders by overriding Application_Start in global.asax as shown below:

public class MvcApplication : AbpWebApplication<MyStartupModule>
protected override void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
base.Application_Start(sender, e);
Controllers in PlugIns

If your modules include MVC or Web API Controllers, ASP.NET can not investigate your controllers. To overcome this issue, you can change global.asax file like below:

using System.Web;
using Abp.PlugIns;
using Abp.Web;
using MyDemoApp.Web; [assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(PreStarter), "Start")] namespace MyDemoApp.Web
public class MvcApplication : AbpWebApplication<MyStartupModule>
} public static class PreStarter
public static void Start()

Additional Assemblies(附加组件)

Default implementations for IAssemblyFinder and ITypeFinder (which is used by ABP to investigate specific classes in the application) only finds module assemblies and types in those assemblies. We can overrideGetAdditionalAssemblies method in our module to include additional assemblies.


Custom Module Methods(自定义模块的方法)

Your modules also can have custom methods those can be used by other modules depend on this module. Assume that MyModule2 depends on MyModule1 and wants to call a method of MyModule1 in PreInitialize.

public class MyModule1 : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()
} public void MyModuleMethod1()
//this is a custom method of this module
} [DependsOn(typeof(MyModule1))]
public class MyModule2 : AbpModule
private readonly MyModule1 _myModule1; public MyModule2(MyModule1 myModule1)
_myModule1 = myModule1;
} public override void PreInitialize()
_myModule1.MyModuleMethod1(); //Call MyModule1's method
} public override void Initialize()

Here, we constructor-injected MyModule1 to MyModule2, so MyModule2 can call MyModule1's custom method. This is only possible if Module2 depends on Module1.

Module Configuration

While custom module methods can be used to configure modules, we suggest to use startup configuration system to define and set configuration for modules.

Module Lifetime

Module classes are automatically registered as singleton.


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