leetcode — divide-two-integers
* Source : https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/divide-two-integers/
* Created by lverpeng on 2017/7/12.
* Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator.
* If it is overflow, return MAX_INT.
public class DevideTwoInt {
* 不能使用乘、除、求模
* 可以直接每次减去除数,但是效率较低,那可以使用移位,类似乘法,将除数乘以2的倍数,然后再与被除数做减法
* @param devident
* @param devisor
* @return
public int devide (int devident, int devisor) {
long[] sub = new long[32];
int newDevident = devident < 0 ? -devident : devident;
int newDevisor = devisor < 0 ? -devisor : devisor;
int count = 0;
sub[count] = newDevisor;
int twiceNum = newDevisor;
while (newDevident > twiceNum) {
twiceNum = newDevisor << count;
sub[count] = twiceNum;
count ++;
count --;
int remainder = newDevident;
int result = 0;
while (remainder >= newDevisor) {
if (remainder >= sub[count]) {
remainder -= sub[count];
result = result + (1 << count);
} else {
count --;
return (devident > 0 ^ devisor > 0) ? -result : result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
DevideTwoInt devideTwoInt = new DevideTwoInt();
System.out.println(devideTwoInt.devide(-100, 10));
System.out.println(devideTwoInt.devide(-100, 9));
System.out.println(devideTwoInt.devide(-100, -9));
System.out.println(devideTwoInt.devide(100, 9));
System.out.println(devideTwoInt.devide(0, 9));
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