Data Persistence
【Data Persistence】
cd /home/ubuntu/contracts
mkdir addressbook
cd addressbook
touch addressbook.cpp
1)class 与类名间添加 [[eosio::contract]]
2)新类继承于 public eosio::contract
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp> using namespace eosio; class [[eosio::contract]] addressbook : public eosio::contract {
public: private: };
3、创建Table Record 结构. 注意在 struct 和 name 之间,要加上 [[eosio::table]].
struct [[eosio::table]] person {
name key;
string first_name;
string last_name;
string street;
string city;
string state; uint64_t primary_key() const { return key.value;}
typedef eosio::multi_index<"people"_n, person> address_index;
1)Use the _n operator to define an eosio::name type and use that name the table. This table contains a number of different singular "persons", so name the table "people".
_n是一个操作符,将"people"的 char* 类型转为 eosio::name类型。"people"即是表的名字。
2)Pass in the singular person
struct defined in the previous step.
addressbook(name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds):contract(receiver, code, ds) {}
parameter which is the account on the blockchain that the contract is being deployed to.
6、使用 require_auth 限制每个账户只能操作自己的数据。
void upsert(name user, std::string first_name, std::string last_name, std::string street, std::string city, std::string state) {
require_auth( user );
utilize the require_auth method provided by the eosio.cdt
. This method accepts one argument, an name
type, and asserts that the account executing the transaction equals the provided value.
7、实例化 Table。
void upsert(name user, std::string first_name, std::string last_name, std::string street, std::string city, std::string state) {
require_auth( user );
address_index addresses(_code, _code.value);
- The "code", which represents the contract's account. This value is accessible through the scoped
variable. - The "scope" which make sure the uniqueness of the contract. In this case, since we only have one table we can use "_code" as well
8、使用 find 查找目标
void upsert(name user, std::string first_name, std::string last_name, std::string street, std::string city, std::string state) {
require_auth( user );
address_index addresses(_code, _code.value);
auto iterator = addresses.find(user.value);
if( iterator == addresses.end() )
//The user isn't in the table
else {
//The user is in the table
void upsert(name user, std::string first_name, std::string last_name, std::string street, std::string city, std::string state) {
require_auth( user );
address_index addresses(_code, _code.value);
auto iterator = addresses.find(user.value);
if( iterator == addresses.end() )
addresses.emplace(user, [&]( auto& row ) {
row.key = user;
row.first_name = first_name;
row.last_name = last_name;
row.street = street; = city;
row.state = state;
else {
//The user is in the table
emplace接受两个参数:the "scope" of this record and a callback function.
else {
std::string changes;
addresses.modify(iterator, user, [&]( auto& row ) {
row.key = user;
row.first_name = first_name;
row.last_name = last_name;
row.street = street; = city;
row.state = state;
10、erase 方法
void erase(name user) {
address_index addresses(_code, _code.value);
auto iterator = addresses.find(user.value);
eosio_assert(iterator != addresses.end(), "Record does not exist");
eosio-cpp -o addressbook.wasm addressbook.cpp --abigen
12、Deploy the Contract
cleos create account eosio addressbook XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -p eosio@active cleos set contract addressbook /home/ubuntu/contracts/addressbook -p addressbook@active
13、Test the Contract
cleos push action addressbook upsert '["alice", "alice", "liddell", "123 drink me way", "wonderland", "amsterdam"]' -p alice@active
Check that alice cannot add records for another user.
cleos push action addressbook upsert '["bob", "bob", "is a loser", "doesnt exist", "somewhere", "someplace"]' -p alice@active
cleos get table addressbook addressbook people --lower alice --limit
查看 cleos 查看 table的命令
cleos get table addressbook addressbook people --lower alice --limit
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