-c: compress archives

-x:decompress archives

-t:check archives

-z:whether it has the attribute of gzip at the same time?in other words,whether it needs gzip to compress or decompress. The general format is xx.tar.gz or xx. tgz

-j:whether it has the attribute of bzip2 at the same time?in other words,whether it needs bzip2 to compress or decompress. The general format is xx.tar.bz2

-f:use the archives name,the back of "-f" is the name directly

-v:show all the procedure

-c:compress the files to a specific folder

for example

compress:tar -jcv -f "filename.tar.bz2" "to be compressed files or folders"

check:tar -jtv -f "filenma.tar.bz2"

decompress:tar -jxv -f "filename.tar.bz2" -c "the path of decompress"

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