(What do you want to do?)(What do you want to do?)(What do you want to do?)(What is the meaning of life?)

What you want to do? What you want to do?Whatever you want to be, you can be

Where you want to be? Where you want to go?Wherever you want to go, you can go

Believe in yourselfno matter how far you have to goDon't stop your stepsno matter how hard the winding road will be

I want to be there for youwhen you need me near by your side(I will) always be there for youLove will shine on you

No matter how far I amnothing can break us apart right nowDon't stop your lovemy heart will always be with you 'till the end

You are the lonely one, You are the only oneYou will be the shining star of my lifeI want to brighten up, in the darkest nightI believe in you, believe in yourself

(What do you want to do?)(What do you want to do?)Believe in yourself(What do you want to do?)(What is the meaning of life?)

When you want to know? When you want to go?Whenever you want to go, you can go'cause you may be rich 'cause I may be poorNothing gonna change my life, how I feel

Believe in loveno matter how high you have to goDon't stop your loveno matter how far the winding road will be

I want to be there for youwhen you need me near by your side(I will) always be there for youLove will shine on you

No matter how far you arenothing can break us apart right nowDon't stop your lovemy heart will always be with you 'till the end

No matter how much rain and pain,no matter how much wear and tear you may haveWe are in this together, forever, I will always be thereEverything's gonna be alright, nothing's gonna bother us right nowThe answer lies in nowhere but inside of our own hearts

I want to be there for youwhen you need me near by your side(I will) always be there for youLove will shine on you

No matter how far I amnothing can break us apart right nowDon't stop your lovemy heart will always be with you 'till the end

You are the lonely one, You are the only oneYou will be the shining star of my lifeI want to brighten up, in the darkest nightI believe in you, believe in yourself

(What is the meaning of life?)Believe in you(What do you want to do?)(What do you want to do?)Believe in yourself(What do you want to do?)(What is the meaning of life?)Believe in you(what do you want to do?)(What do you want to do?)Believe in yourself(what do you want to do?) (What is the meaning of life?)

 At first I loved this music because the tune is so high  to vent all. later, learned that the original appreciation of it derives from the soul of aroma

add Japan version:

歌曲:HiKARiE (English X Guitar Version)
专辑:ホイッスル ~君と过ごした日々~ (初回盤A)

I want to be there for you
When you need me near by your side
always be there for you
Love will shine on you
No matter how far I am
Nothing can break us apart right now
Don't stop your love
My heart will always be with you 'til the end
You are the lonely one, you are the only one
You will be the shining star of my life
I want to brighten up, in the darkest night
I believe in you, believe in yourself
When you want to be? When you want to do?
Whenever you want to be , you can be
where you want to be? where you want to go?
whenever you want to go, you can go
Believe in yourself
No matter how high you have to go
Don't stop your love
No matter how far the winding road will be
I want to be there for you
When you need me near by your side
always be there for you
Love will shine on you
No matter how far are you
Nothing can break us apart right now
Don't stop your love
My heart will always be with you 'til the end
You are the lonely one, you are the only one
You will be the shining star of my life
I want to brighten up, in the darkest night
I believe in you, believe in yourself

# 最重要的是,你想成为什么,尽管放手去做吧,不要有所畏惧,不要有所顾虑。一辈子很短,请放纵! 

不论你们在哪里, 都希望你们一生被爱, 一生努力 


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