1, LinkedList

composed of one and one Node: [data][next].

[head] -> [data][next] -> [data][next] -> [data][next] -> [null].

Empty linkedList: head == null.

V.S. Array DS: fast at insert/delete.

2, hashtable


Hash tables are O(1) average and amortized case complexity, however is suffers from O(n) worst case time complexity.

Hash tables suffer from O(n) worst time complexity due to two reasons:

  1. If too many elements were hashed into the same key: looking inside this key may take O(n) time.
  2. Once a hash table has passed its load balance - it has to rehash [create a new bigger table, and re-insert each element to the table].

HashMap<T>也是buckets的概念,但是如果你只override了T class的hashcode()方法返回constant,那么当你往这个HashMap里存放多个object的时候,它们都被hash到了同一个bucket,但它们还是会被当成不同的value来处理。所以只override hashcode()是不够的。

Collision resolution

大多数的hashtable implementations都有collision resolution strategy,所有的方法都会需要将keys(或指向key的指针)随同associated values也存到table中。

Separate chaining:

这种方法中each bucket has some sort of list of entries with the same index. 用Linked lists的Chained hash table很流行,有时会选择用ordered linked list。

3, Binary tree

Binary tree: at most 2 child nodes.

Full Binary tree: depth k and have 2^k -1 nodes.

Binary search tree: left child node< current node< right child node

Define BinaryNode:

class BinaryNode {
BinaryNode left;
BinaryNode right;
int element;
public BinaryNode(int element) {
this.element = element;
left = right = null;

Function to see if a tree is a BST:

public boolean isBST() {
return isBST(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);  

private boolean isBST2(BinaryNode currRoot, int low, int high) {  //注意最低限和最高限,并且不断update它 
  if(currRoot.left != null) {
    if(currRoot.left.element < low || currRoot.left.element > currRoot.element || !isBST2(currRoot.left, low, currRoot.element))
       return false;

  if(currRoot.right != null) {
    if(currRoot.right.element > high || currRoot.right.element < currRoot.element || !isBST2(currRoot.right, currRoot.element, high))
      return false;
  return true;

Breadth-First-Search:[Queue], 这个算法就是要用Queue来实现, Java只有Queue interface, extends Collection

public void bfs() {

  Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();

  if(root== null) return;


  while(!queue.isEmpty()) {

    TreeNode node = queue.remove(); //LinkedList.remove() will remove the head of the linked list

    System.out.print(node.val + " ");

    if(node.left != null) queue.add(node.left);

    if(node.right != null) queue.add(node.right);



Depth-First-Search:[Stack] Java有Stack class, implements List interface. 方法peek()返回top,方法pop()返回top并移除。

4, AVL tree

is a self balancing Binary Search Tree, In an AVL tree, the height of two sub-trees of ANY node can not differ more than 1. If any time the height differs more than 1, rebalancing is done to restore the property.

Rebalancing: LL, RR, LR, RL.

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