Codeforces Round #336 Hamming Distance Sum
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<string.h>
- #define maxn 200005
- char a[maxn],b[maxn] ;
- int f[maxn][];
- int main(){
- scanf(" %s %s",a+,b+);
- int lena = strlen(a+);
- int lenb = strlen(b+);
- for(int i = ;i<=lenb;i++){
- f[i][] = f[i-][];
- f[i][] = f[i-][];
- f[i][b[i]-'']++;
- }
- long long ans = ;
- for(int i = ;i<=lena;i++){
- int l = i-,r = lenb-lena+i;
- if(a[i]=='')
- ans += f[r][]-f[l][];
- else
- ans += f[r][]-f[l][];
- }
- printf("%lld\n",ans);
- return ;
- }
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