Divide and conquer:Telephone Lines(POJ 3662)
- #include <iostream>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <functional>
- #define SIZE 1010
- using namespace std;
- typedef int Position;
- struct _set
- {
- Position ed;
- int next;
- int length;
- }Path[];
- struct _head
- {
- int point;
- }Heads[SIZE];
- static int dist[SIZE];
- static bool visit[SIZE], oep[];
- static Position que[(SIZE + ) * ];
- void solve(const int, const int, const int, const int);
- bool SPFA(const int, const int, const int, const int);
- int main(void)
- {
- int Sum_Poles, Free_Cables, Sum_Path, length, L_Max;
- Position st, ed;
- while (~scanf("%d%d%d", &Sum_Poles, &Sum_Path, &Free_Cables))
- {
- L_Max = -;
- for (int i = ; i <= Sum_Poles; i++)
- Heads[i].point = -;
- for (int i = ; i < * Sum_Path;)
- {
- scanf("%d%d%d", &st, &ed, &length);
- //无向图,两边都要存
- Path[i].ed = ed; Path[i].length = length; Path[i].next = Heads[st].point;
- Heads[st].point = i++;
- Path[i].ed = st; Path[i].length = length; Path[i].next = Heads[ed].point;
- Heads[ed].point = i++;
- L_Max = max(L_Max, length);
- }
- solve(Sum_Poles, Sum_Path, Free_Cables, L_Max);
- }
- return ;
- }
- void solve(const int Sum_Poles, const int Sum_Path, const int Free_Cables, const int L_Max)
- {
- int lb = , rb = L_Max + , mid;
- while (rb - lb > )//对距离二分
- {
- mid = (lb + rb) >> ;
- if (SPFA(mid, Sum_Path, Sum_Poles, Free_Cables)) lb = mid;
- else rb = mid;
- if (dist[Sum_Poles] == 0x3fffffff)
- //任何一次寻找过后,如果图能到N点,那么N的dist值一定不是0x3fffffff
- //否则,一定是不联通
- {
- printf("-1\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- printf("%d\n", lb);
- }
- bool SPFA(const int x, const int Sum_Path, const int Sum_Poles, const int Free_Cables)
- {
- int head = , back = , out, to;
- que[head] = ; //开始是从1开始的
- for (int i = ; i < * Sum_Path; i++)
- oep[i] = Path[i].length < x ? : ;
- fill(dist, dist + Sum_Poles + , 0x3fffffff);
- memset(visit, , sizeof(visit));
- dist[] = ;
- while (head != back)
- {
- out = que[head]; head = (head + ) % ( * SIZE);
- visit[out] = ;
- for (int k = Heads[out].point; k != -; k = Path[k].next)
- {
- to = Path[k].ed;
- if (dist[out] + oep[k] < dist[to])
- {
- dist[to] = dist[out] + oep[k];
- if (!visit[to])
- {
- visit[to] = ;
- que[back] = to; back = (back + ) % ( * SIZE);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return dist[Sum_Poles] > Free_Cables;
- }
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