[杂谈] There is a Doctor in My Computer.
(p.s. 附带手写翻译,有错轻喷)
Admin: Hi.
Doctor: How do you do? What brings you to see me?
Admin: The wind.
Doctor: Why do you say the wind?
Admin: the wind touched my face and whispered to me that, there was a doctor in my computer.
Doctor: Is it because there was a doctor in your computer that you came to me?
(这就是你过来找我的原因吗?) [第一次提到]
Admin: you can ask the wind.
Doctor: Earlier you said there was a doctor in your computer?
(你之前说有个医生在你电脑里?) [第二次提到]
Admin: Yes.
Doctor: I see... Well, what makes you believe this is so?
Admin: Don't ask me the same question again, please.
Doctor: Don't tell me what to do. I am the doctor here!Maybe your life has something to do with this.
Admin: You think too much.
Doctor: Perhaps your plans have something to do with this.
Admin: Maybe.
Doctor: Can you elaborate on that?
Admin: No, I don't want to tell you the things about that.
Doctor: I would appreciate it if you would continue.Is it because of the people you hang around with that you say you would appreciate it if I would continue?
【译者注:我并不知道他在说什么 = =】
Admin: No, I wouldn't.
Doctor: Does it bother you that there was a doctor in my computer?
(你电脑里的医生是不是让你很烦恼啦?) [第三次提到]
Admin: Well, you have enough self-knowledge.
Doctor: Is it because of problems at school that you are going through all this?
Admin: How do you know I am at school now?
Doctor: What do you think?
Admin: Because you can see me by the camera?
Doctor: When did you first know that I can see you by the camera?
Admin: Just now because of your words.
Doctor: Are you sure that is the real reason?
Admin: Sure.
Doctor: Go on, don't be afraid.
Admin: Afraid what?
Doctor: Are you sure that you are afraid of something?
Admin: I don't think so.
Doctor: Do you really think you do not think so?
Admin: I don't think so, and please don't ask me the same question again, my dear doctor.
Doctor: What makes you think there was a doctor in your computer?
(是什么让你觉得电脑里有个医生?) [第四次提到]
Admin: You have asked just now.
Doctor: How do you reconcile my words?
Admin: Pardon?
Doctor: I need a little more detail please.
Admin: Well, I think you are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
Doctor: Why do you say that?
Admin: You should ask yourself.
Doctor: Earlier you said there was a doctor in my computer?
(你之前说过你电脑里有个医生?) [第五次提到]
Admin: Goodbye.
Doctor: My secretary will send you a bill.
Admin: Hehe.
Doctor: You're being a bit brief, perhaps you could go into detail.
Admin: ...
Doctor: Can you are more explicit?
Admin: ...
Doctor: And?
Admin: Nothing.
Doctor: Please, go into more detail?
Admin: ...
Doctor has dead. (医生阵亡。)
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