【KEIL 】Options for File
使用“ 项目 ”窗口的上下文菜单打开此对话框 ;菜单选项项目。该对话框包括带有三态替代项的复选框:
-已选中且呈灰色 -属性是从父对象继承的。
- 选中和白色 -为对象单独设置的属性。
- 未选中 -禁用的属性。
- 路径,大小,最后更改
- 显示有关所选对象的信息。
- 文件类型
- 将文件与文件类型关联。
- 包含在目标版本中
- 禁用此选项可从该项目目标中排除组或源文件。该文件未翻译,也未链接到应用程序目标文件中。例如,此选项对于在不同硬件系统上运行的应用程序很有用。每个系统可能需要其自己的配置文件。该选项允许排除特定目标不需要的那些配置文件。
- 始终建造
- 启用此选项可在每个构建过程中强制转换源模块。例如,设置此选项对于包含宏的文件很有用,这些宏计算有关应用程序版本__DATE__或 __TIME__的信息。
- 生成汇编器SRC文件
- 指示C编译器从此C模块生成汇编器源文件。通常,当C源文件包含#pragma asm / endasm 节时,使用此选项。
- 组装SRC文件
- 将此选项与选项“ 生成汇编器SRC文件”一起使用,可将由编译器生成的汇编器源代码转换为可以链接到应用程序的目标文件。
- 图像文件压缩
- 对于“ 图像文件 ”类型的文件是活动的。建议转换器工具FCARM压缩图像文件。请参阅在µVision中使用FCARM。
- 停止退出代码
- 指定退出代码以根据翻译器消息停止构建过程。默认情况下,µVision会转换生成过程中的所有文件,而不考虑错误或警告消息。
- 自定义参数
- 对于需要自定义转换器的文件很有用。
- 内存分配
- 将文件或组分配给特定的内存区域。请选择:
- 代码/常量(RO)
- 零初始化数据(ZI)
- 其他数据
- 层
- 将文件或组分配给特定的项目层。
- 选择模块
- 可用于库类型的文件。允许始终包含库中的特定模块。默认情况下,仅将所需的模块加载到目标文件中。
Open this dialog with the context menu of the window Project; menu item Options for item. The dialog includes check boxes with tri-state alternatives:
- Checked and gray - property is inherited from the parent object.
- Checked and white - property set individually for the object.
- Not checked - disabled property.
- Path, Size, Last Change
- Display information about the selected object.
- File Type
- Associates a file with a file type.
- Include in Target Build
- Disable this option to exclude the group or source file from this project target. The file is not translated and not linked into the application object file. This option is useful, for example, for an application that runs on different hardware systems. Each system might need its own configuration file. The option allows to exclude those configuration files not needed for a particular target.
- Always Build
- Enable this option to enforce translating a source module with every build process. For example, setting this option is useful for files containing macros that compute information about the application version, __DATE__, or __TIME__.
- Generate Assembler SRC File
- Instructs the C compiler to generate an assembler source file from this C module. Typically this option is used when the C source file contains #pragma asm / endasm sections.
- Assemble SRC File
- Use this option together with the option Generate Assembler SRC File to translate the assembler source code generated by Compiler into an object file that can be linked to the application.
- Image File Compression
- Is active for files of the type Image file. Advises the converter tool FCARM to compress image files. Refer to Using FCARM with µVision.
- Stop on Exit Code
- Specify an exit code to stop the build process upon translator messages. By default, µVision translates all files in a build process, regardless of error or warning messages.
- Custom Arguments
- Useful for files that require a Custom Translator.
- Memory Assignment
- Assign a file or group to a specific memory region. Select between:
- Code/Const (RO)
- Zero Initialized Data (ZI)
- Other Data
Note: enter the available memory regions in the dialog Options for Target. Also, enable Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog in the dialog Linker.
- Layer
- Assign a file or group to a specific project layer.
- Select Modules
- Available for files of the type Library. Allows to always include specific modules from a Library. By default, only the needed modules are loaded into the object file.
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