yum install gcc perl* mod_perl-devel -y
mv bug
create database bugzilla_db;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON bugzilla_db.* TO root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
check for all required bugzilla modules before the install:
After the check is done, we will see some missing modules that needs to be installed:
Type the command below to install all missing modules automatically:
/usr/bin/perl install-module.pl --all
Lets do a check again to make sure all the modules did install
If all is good, we will get a message to edit the localconfig file for installation.
Make sure you input the correct database name, user, and password we created earlier
Run ./checksetup.pl again
If all is well, checksetup.pl should now successfully configure Bugzilla.
increase the maximum attachment size and make it possible to search for short words and terms:
  • Alter on Line 52: max_allowed_packet=100M
  • Add as new line 32, in the [mysqld] section: ft_min_word_len=2
Add the following to the end of httpd.conf file
<Directory /var/www/html/bugzilla> AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options +Indexes +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.cgi AllowOverride Limit FileInfo Indexes </Directory>
At this point we are nearly done. Execute the following line to comment out a line in the .htaccess file that the Bugzilla installation script created:
[root@localhost bugzilla]# sed -i 's/^Options -Indexes$/#Options -Indexes/g' ./.htaccess
403 Forbidden
  • urlbase: http://<servername>/bugzilla/ or http://<ip address>/bugzilla/
  • mail_delivery_method: SMTP
  • mailfrom: new_gmail_address@gmail.com
  • smtpserver: smtp.gmail.com:465
  • smtp_username: new_gmail_address@gmail.com
  • smtp_password: new_gmail_password
  • smtp_ssl: On
Can't locate object method "quit" via package "Net::SMTP::SSL" at Bugzilla/Config/Common.pm line
1、cpan -i MIME::Base64
2、cpan -i Net::SSLeay
3、cpan -i Net::SMTP::SSL
$vi /usr/share/perl5/CPAN/Config.pm
'urllist' => ["ftp://ftp.cuhk.edu.hk/pub/packages/perl/CPAN/"],
The new value for smtpserver is invalid: Cannot connect to smtp.gmail.com using port 465.
Can't locate object method "message" via package "To use SSL please install IO::Socket::SSL with version>=2.007 at lib/Net/SMTP.pm line 70. " (perhaps you forgot to load "To use SSL please install IO::Socket::SSL with version>=2.007 at lib/Net/SMTP.pm line 70. "?) at Bugzilla/Mailer.pm line 179, <DATA> line 1.
yum install 'perl(IO::Socket::SSL)'
cpan -i  IO::Socket::SSL
According to 'perldoc perllocal', I have version 1.967 of IO::Socket::SSL installed.

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